SCM20260N availability?

What is the expected availability for the SCM20260N, the G120 replacement? I have a design just now that is running TinyCLR1.0 on the G120 (no graphics or network) and I would like to know when I can consider porting over to the new module. If I get the expected order on this system, I would like to have one platform based on the same module and not swap this out at a later date. I also can’t seem to have TinyCLR1.0 running alongside 2.0 and I’d prefer not to have to use a second PC just to do support on it.

We should have samples next month

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and I imagine the availabilty at mouser will come shortly after the 2.0 release

It is too early guys. Let’s make sure all is perfect and you are happy first

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you’re right . don’t do like many large companies that release a product too early just because they need to show success stories to shareholders (having service and r&d suffering to get everything fixed after

Glad we have smart users that understand the value of longevity.

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Hi Gus,

Any update on sample availability? I am interested in the SC20100S and the SC20260N. Our project using the G120 is generating a lot of interest but I would prefer to use the new modules going forward. Code is already done with TinyCLR1.0 so should port very easily to 2.0

We have everything except 100E and FEZ Stick. Those are for next month.

If you want to increase the speed of diffusion it would be appropriate to start putting some wiring diagrams by updating the links on the reference page SITCore Dev Boards
We are all looking forward to using the two new chips
Thanks and good work, keep it up !!

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Website/docs getting updated as we speak

SCM 20260-N seems not available with Mouser nor Digikey.
Any other source. Please guide

Mouser shows new stock from 30th Jan. That’s only next week.

104 Expected 30-Jan-23

250 Expected 28-Jul-23

Ok . Thanks . Will the sttock be regular as we plan to use the same on regular basis

the gap between the stock seems to be much

The global part shortage put a crazy spin on availability but things are starting to ease up. Those dates are just estimates and most likely to get better.

Mouser gave 30Jan 2023 for the stock to arrive, but it seems its sold out or something and their date is next 28 july 2023. So till july what are we expected to do? I dont know if in july too we may get it

Looks like no one has idea about the availability of SCM20260N-C.
We developed using the same and are now stuck as we couldn’t get it now. Is anyone having the same issue or have opted for some other modules or kind. Any suggestion as the GHI team are not ready to answer

Still the same answer I provided last month. However, let me clarify more for you. When we ship to distributor, there is no guarantee you will see stock and they already have backorders they are fulfilling. Sadly, it has been the norm for companies to buy parts as soon as they start the design and not after the finish the design. We hope this global craziness will come to an end this year. You, us, and everyone in the industry is facing these difficulties.

Now here comes the good news! If you have urgent needs and this is a commercial design, then reach out to us directly by email or phone and let us see if there is anything we can do for you directly.

We require 100nos of SCm20260n, can you provide to us directly. If yes when can you do so.

Public discussion forums isn’t the place or way to organise this. You should pick up the phone and tell them Gus chatted to you here and you need to talk… just like Gus says above: