Fritzing parts for FEZ boards

That is one thing that I am not sure about. I need some feedback from you guys.

Do we need extra connections available in Fritzing ( breadboard and schematics views should be fine, pcb might have some issues with routing ).

Not sure if this answers question. But anything with a hole/header should probably be defined. Makes it easier. I know it is a bit difficult with all those connections.

I proposed to fritzing to define a color (ie. Copper) that you can use in the BB diagram. They can parse that file and “pull” out the copper pads and dynamically-build the connections and other two diagrams. Or at least a good starting template. Then you can use the features of your drawing package, and not have to do that kind of editing in their special windows with not much support. They said they would add something like that in next version.


I will add extra connections. It is easier to delete stuff if you don’t need it.

Finished Domino part

Once again. U.Da.Man.
Thanks much.

You are welcome!
This one has connections on UEXT.

This is my last - bonus part for lucky owners of the USBizi DevSys.

Man that is an old board :slight_smile: Looks good though

It is a nice board - I like it a lot.

Has the old USBizi devSys two usb connectors like the domino?

This board could be the best one to integrate into other designs, small, SD, USB and quite a few IO lines.

Are the design files still available?

Cheers Ian

Yes it has two.

This is all I can find:

Cheers mate… AS it seems no different (apart from accessible IO) the domino gerbers will suffice.

Thanks for doing the fritzing parts… seems like William likes using them!

Keep it up!


Yep, you are welcome!

FEZ Raptor is next :wink:

Fez controlled Raptor? :slight_smile:

William, I have sent you an email 2 days ago but I am not sure you have received it. Maybe it is in spam filter?

Sorry for reply to a not active thread. Architect’s links to FEZ fritzing parts are not alive now. Can anybody to share FEZ fritzing parts ?

Sorry - my blog server is having some issues. Let me get the links for you.



Panda II:



Panda, Panda-II, and Mini links are broken… Is there a wiki page where these exist now? A search on the wiki for Fritzing didn’t turn up anything. In particular, I’m looking to see if there is an updated version of the Panda-II with the pads added for the extended pins.

I will look into it tonight.

Meanwhile use this link