Fritzing parts for FEZ boards

I think making real pcbs with this may be pushing it a bit for anything beyond most simple pcb. You can probably do it, but I might stick eagle.

I wouldn’t trust it for pcb fab just yet as well.

That’s true, it’s still a beta. I do believe that this is way more simple for new users to fabricate a custom shield or what ever then it would be with eagle. Eagle is better, but not as easy to understand as fritzing.

FEZ Panda part is done:

You. Da. Man! (I mean panda)

Thanks! ;D

Great, I guess you will submit these Fez components to Fritzing so they can add it to their library 8)

Yes, I will.
I would like to get as much feedback possible in the next week or so. Then I will do final touches, if needed, and will submit it to them.

Is there any reason that when you go into the schematics view, only one GND is supported (The one next D13)?

Hmmm… It is one pin on schematics view, but all 3 connection points should be there. I will double check.

Wooooo thanks! :dance:

I don’t think its a fault. There are two GnD points in the part created by Architect, must be a small glitch in the program.

Cheers Ian

Here comes Panda II

Awesome! Thanks!

Thanks Architect… I’ve tried them in fritzing, all seems well at the moment if I find anything peculiar I’ll let you know.

Cheers Ian

Looks great!


Domino is next

@ Architect: I’ve tested the Panda II and I cannot wire to the extra IOs on the board,is it correct? Otherwise looks great!

Gabriel is right… The 40 way header isn’t available.

Cheers Ian

Just as an FYI. You can actually “wire” to anything on it by pulling a wire from toolbox. Just does not snap to a defined hole. Those holes are a pain to setup as you need to do on 3 views. I think they are improving that process in vNext.