Feedback for NETMF and Gadgeteer Package 2014 R2 Beta-3

Well… My tests of PPP was also unsuccessful :frowning: But in my case Connect() is freezes for some while. After ~1min or less g120 board goes to reboot. Tested with G120 module with our board and with G120HDR + Serial Module. We are using 2 different cellular operators (CDMA 800 & CDMA450) with PAP & CHAP authentication. Here is my simply test code:

        public static void Main()
            powerPort = new OutputPort(GHI.Pins.G120.P2_8, true);           
            modem = new UniCellular("COM2", BaudRate.BR_115200, Parity.None, DataBits.DB_8, StopBits.One, Handshake.None);
            modem.ReadTimeout = 1000; 
            bool res = modem.IsReady;
            res = modem.IsRegistered;
            res = modem.Dial("#777");           
            PPPSerialModem ppp = new PPPSerialModem(modem);
                ppp.Connect(PPPSerialModem.AuthenticationType.Pap, "perfectum@", "a", 7000);
                //ppp.Connect(PPPSerialModem.AuthenticationType.Chap, "internet@", "password", 7000);
            catch (Exception e)

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UniCellular - is SerialPort inherited class with some Cellular modem extensions… A little later we try to test PPP on Spider…

Exactly the same behaviour on my laptop, too…

Perhaps I didn’t read everything too clearly but; what is the problem with PPP?

PPP.I found the issue with the Length but still not working. I still had the error handler attached so I removed this but it still fails with this.

 #### Exception GHI.Networking.PPPSerialModem+ConnectionFailedException - 0x00000000 (3) ####
    #### Message: 
    #### GHI.Networking.PPPSerialModem::Connect [IP: 007c] ####

Is there any way to enable additional debugging?

I was about to try 4.3 Beta 3, but it is not working for me.
FEZ Config does not find Cobra II, but I can see it in Device Manager. Another weird thing is that LDR0 and LDR1 buttons simulate pressing “1”, in other words if Notepad is open and if I press any of those buttons, “1” is being typed.

I am using Win 8.1, USB 2.0/3.0. I have tried re-installing everything, but it didn’t help.

That’s strange. Normaly you have something with “Debugable Device” in device manager.
Looks like you have a program on the board that uses USB Client mode and emulates a keyboard.
Try booting in loader mode
Hold LDR0 + LDR1 … press Reset, release LDR0 + LDR1 within 3 sec.
You should se a COM Port device now
and upload tiny booter and firmware.
The TinyBooter needs to updated anyway I think.

I would say that is 99.99% not possible :slight_smile:

I did what you have suggested, I saw how the following steps were being made:

  1. Erasing
  2. Deploying TinyBooter
  3. Rebooting

… and then I got this error. I did what it suggested, but it didn’t help.

As next step I would recommend to uninstall all GHI software, reboot, install again, and then try again.
Looks like there is something wrong with your GHI USB Driver.
Have you installed anything (hardware-ish) lately, that might have damaged the GHI Driver setup?

I have re-installed GHI software (NETMF and Gadgeteer Package 2014 R2 Beta-3.exe) more than 10 times now. I have rebooted my PC several times.
I was using Gadgeteer Package 2014 R1 without any issues. I have uninstalled it and I have installed Gadgeteer Package 2014 R2 Beta 3. After that I can no longer access Cobra II.

It is most likely GHI USB Driver that’s causing all this, but Device Manager shows no obvious problems.

We face that from time to time, too. Usually, the problem simply goes away after a few days…

On EMX and Spider + RS232 I had the same situation:

    #### Exception GHI.Networking.PPPSerialModem+ConnectionFailedException - 0x00000000 (1) ####
    #### Message: 
    #### GHI.Networking.PPPSerialModem::Connect [IP: 007c] ####
    #### GHI.Networking.PPPSerialModem::Connect [IP: 000c] ####
    #### MFConsoleApplication7.Program::Main [IP: 0062] ####
A first chance exception of type 'GHI.Networking.PPPSerialModem.ConnectionFailedException' occurred in GHI.Networking.dll

On 4.1 at the same boards with the same sittings PPP.Connect() works correct…

This is ironic! I’m stuck with CobraII too!

@ Simon, EL-05? Is that the name of your Computer?

Yeah. Why?

It appears that updating Cobra II to 4.3 Beta 3 bricks it somehow. It’s now stuck in GHI bootloader mode. Options I’ve tried:

Workstation, Fezconfig from Beta 3 — no luck, says something is wrong with drivers;
Wokstation, FezConfig 1.0.1 (from 4.2) — no luck, doesn’t recognise COM port;

Laptop, FezsConfig from Beta 2 — no luck, says something is wrong with drivers;
Laptop, FezConfig 1.0.1 (from 4.2) — no luck, doesn’t recognise COM port;

Both PCs are Win 8.1 x64.

@ Simon, can you revert to 4.2?

@ Mr. John Smith - nope, it’s stuck completely.

Was it powered from an external source or just USB?

@ Mr. John Smith - both…