Feedback for NETMF and Gadgeteer Package 2014 R2 Beta-3

After updating TinyBooter everything is OK.

Now I noticed that, temperature and humidity sensor does not measure correctly, temperature is always -39.65 and humidity -2.69. Has anyone this problem?

Also I don’t know, how to change display orientation. I tried
displayT43.Orientation = GTM.Module.DisplayModule.DisplayOrientation.UpsideDown;
but it does not work. Any suggestions?

@ miroga - The orientation is not properly saved when using that method. It will be fixed in the next SDK. In the mean time, you can use our Configuration class directly.

What board are using the temperature and humidity sensor on? Have you tried different sockets and cables? Also a different mainboard if you have one.

Thank you for help, everything works fine now, it was just faulty cable.

What is replacement for PersistentStorage? I was using it on Cobra II

@ tvinko - Take a look at the GHI.IO.Storage namespace and its SD and UsbMassStorage classes.

Trying to update my Hydra Firmware and noticed on that the link is broken.

Networking examples? Cerberus with ENC28 or Spider with J11D with 4.3?

@ Duke Nukem - The link has been fixed. has some examples for most library functionality. That archive has not been updated for beta 2 or 3, but the code is almost the same.

I was looking to do some of my network tests ( The Great Network Shootout ) but I’m having some issues. For example using a Spider with an J11D and ThingSpeak, I’m running into a socket error in the ThingSpeak library (which I wouldn’t have thought would be affected by going to 4.3)

// open socket e connect to the host
            using (this.socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp))
                this.socket.Connect(this.hostIpEndPoint);  <- blow up here with a socket error

@ Duke Nukem - What’s the error code and can you post a stack trace?

Nothing more. It seems to be a call from within the PPP code that calls the Length function on the serial port and it fails as it’s not supported. If I call this function in my own code on the same or any serial port, I get the same exception.

Yep. Only Fezconfig from 4.2 works.

@ Simon from Vilnius - We were not able to reproduce the issue on any of the 8.1 machines that we have. Can you try it with a different machine?

@ Dave McLaughlin - I don’t see a call to Length anywhere in our PPP code. Are you sure it isn’t coming from somewhere in your code?

4.3 documentation little wrong:
MassStorage Constructor - Creates a new mouse.

PS I will start testing PPP tomorrow…

@ 4egod - Thanks, fixed.

Is USB host supported on Cerb ?

See attached image.

No. My code runs fine until I call your Connect() function and at that point I get the error.

that looks like a module that hasn’t been 4.3’d to me… didn’t the “premium” moniker get dropped from the libraries? According to it has…

No host yet but it will be added