Feedback for NETMF and Gadgeteer Package 2014 R2 Beta-3

Do you have any devices attached to it, or is it the raw board?

I’m going for 4.3 later this week and have some cobra II boards to, i will keep you posted on the results.

My suggestion (not tested at all) would be to uninstall the driver with the option to remove the files and then reinstall them from the Beta3 installer. Perhaps there’s a change under the covers that isn’t resilient in the older driver?

Watch out for falling bricks!

It’s WinUSB, so there’s pretty much nothing to change. The only part that is done by hand is editing the descriptions in .inf file…

No response/reaction from GHI team regarding Cobra II? ???

Looking into it… :wink:

I’m having a problem with the Accelerometer module (Part # SACCL-GM-320) throwing the following during initialisation.

Using mainboard GHI Electronics FEZ Hydra version 1.2
    #### Exception System.NullReferenceException - CLR_E_NULL_REFERENCE (1) ####
    #### Message: 
    #### Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics.Accelerometer::Write [IP: 0015] ####
    #### Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics.Accelerometer::set_OperatingMode [IP: 0019] ####
    #### Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics.Accelerometer::.ctor [IP: 002f] ####
    #### OBDTest2.Program::InitializeModules [IP: 0036] ####
A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in GTM.GHIElectronics.Accelerometer.dll
An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in GTM.GHIElectronics.Accelerometer.dll

So, what about those bricked Cobras? I’ve got a whole fleet of different boards waiting for Beta-3, but do not want to brick them, too…

@ Simon, I don’t think it’s perm bricked; but I also don’t know what’s wrong either.

Does anyone know how to load the firmware onto a blank Cobra?


I’m testing beta 3 with Hydra and have problem using together ENC28 and Flash modules. In the following code the 2nd line always leads to exception - says that SPI Bus 0 is already reserved. Does not matter which object is created first or swapping the sockets 3 and 4:

        ethernetENC28 = new GTM.GHIElectronics.EthernetENC28(3);
        flash = new GTM.GHIElectronics.FLASH(4);

I didn’t see Flash driver in the SDK so I compiled the 4.3 source from here:

Exception happens on this line in the flash driver:
spi = GTI.SpiFactory.Create(socket, spiConfig, GTI.SpiSharing.Shared, socket, Socket.Pin.Six, this);

Maybe it’s something easy to fix?

EDIT: sorry, actually swapping the lines avoid the exception:
flash = new GTM.GHIElectronics.FLASH(4);
ethernetENC28 = new GTM.GHIElectronics.EthernetENC28(3);

EDIT2: The flash EraseSector() function is not working for sectors > 31. As result I cannot rewrite data above the first 128Kbytes. I can write and read, but cannot erase.

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Name change for N18 driver?

Is the change in class name from Driver_N18 to DriverN18 in the beta likely to remain?


IIRC, they have decided to get rid of underscores in names.

DriverN18 - source

Hi, I utilised the source for the Driver_N18 from codeplex, but it behaves differently from the 2014R2B3 binaries.
Can anyone point me at the source for the 2014R2B3 DriverN18 module? , or is it likely to only be available when 2014R2 comes out of beta?

(I’m wanting to make some extensions to the driver to utilise additional capabilities of the LCD driver chip)


I have Memory allocation errors when using EthernetENC28 “IsCableConnected” property.

Furthermore, where can I find updated documentation about EthernetENC28 class? How the “UseDHCP” is working?

@ Rajesh - USB Host will be supported but is currently not implemented on NETMF 4.3 Cerberus. You’ll get run time errors when using it. It is not supported on 4.2. The 4.3 mainboards should work fine.

@ Dave McLaughlin and 4egod - We’ll keep working on PPP and try to narrow that down, thanks. There is no additional debugging for it available at this time.

@ Simon from Vilnius - Can you uninstall our SDK and make sure that our drivers are completely gone then try again for the FEZ Config friendly name?

@ ovivo - The ENC28 uses the SPI bus exclusively so it is not possible to use another spi module on the same bus.

@ mtnrbq - DisplayN18 is the new name and it won’t be changing. In this SDK series all module and mainboard names were updated to reflect their actual product name in our catalog with all spaces removed. We have also not released the source for the non-legacy drivers yet. We will by the end of the beta though.

@ jango_jas - Is this a 4.2 project? IsCableConnected doesn’t exist in 4.3 anymore. We have not yet updated the documentation to 4.3 on our site, we won’t do that until after the beta.

@ iamin and Simon from Vilnius - For the Cobra IIs, if you go back to 2014 R1, can you update or access the boards? Can you go to a machine that you have not put beta 3 on yet and try to update it from there?

@ John - My mistake, it’s “IsNetworkConnected” and for unknown reason today the bug just disapear :open_mouth:

@ jango_jas - If the bug does come back, can you post a small code sample that reproduces it?

@ John - So, I have uninstalled Beta and installed 2014 R1. I get exactly the same behavior. GHI NETMF Debug Interface is installed, it says it is working OK and Windows does recognize that it is G120, but FEZ Config does not see it.

But if I install legacy USB drivers, everything seems to work OK. So something is wrong with WinUSB driver.

@ iamin - Using beta 3, can you try manually update TinyBooter using TeraTerm and then try to deploy the firmware using MFDeploy?