Brace yourself - Verdant is coming

The candy man has been ;D


Sweet! It’s been hard to get my head around how small they are, but that really brings it home. Now, if only you had some G30’s…

Cool stuff, I like Candy too, in both ways … :whistle:

Now those are smaller than I expected… one chip per fingertip would give your hand some decent processing power!

Does it require anything special to make it run, Say of a battery?

None the less it is very tiny :), exactly what I had dreamed up a few months ago :slight_smile: when I was suffering from the DX syndrome…


So, this was clearly an interesting option for people. I think I have the mechanics worked out and wanted to share it here to get your comments.

If you want to host your own data, you will need to do two things :
[ol]Configure your Verdant account with the location where you want to store your data. Currently, I believe we’ll support either writing directly to Azure tables or writing to a specific REST interface that you must implement in the web host of your choice.
Run a PowerShell script that will create an Azure Key Vault. Azure key vaults are either software-protected (free) or hardware-protected (not free) encrypted vaults. Into this vault you will place the credentials for your data store and optional encryption keys if you want the data or transport encypted when writing your data.[/ol]

We’ll also provide a second powershell script for revoking our access and/or deleting the key vault. If you choose to use the REST interface option, you can store your data on your own server or AWS or wherever (but you may incur some minor egress bandwidth charges that we have to pay to Azure).

Of course, I think that the majority case for non-maker users will be to avoid this extra work, so we also provide our own key vaults (one in each geographic region) and will use hardware-level FIPS-certified security to secure the data stores in each data center.

If you choose to handle your own storage using a software-secured key vault, then I think your Azure bill will be $5.00 or less for your storage account if you keep less than 10Gb of data. I’ll try to set one up to verify that. As for our pricing, there will certainly be free tiers for Home and Maker accounts with fees only kicking in for certain (yet to be defined) premium features or larger scale use. Home accounts will be all nice, easy and friendly. Maker accounts will expose a lot more nuts and bolts. Comments on all aspects of this are welcomed.

This is all very much a work in progress, so, I am interested in your feedback. Does this meet your requirements for maintaining ownership and control of your data? Does this sound simple enough? Any requests?


@ mcalsyn - Currently my data is sent to my webapi/azure website. From there, I push it into Table Storage. So it sounds like you have me covered, if I can direct the data to my webapi then I am good.

I show initial results to customers, and then roll up the data into one row per day to recap going forward. This sort of post processing is why I need to get my fingers into my data or have access to it.

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@ terrence - Yup - I think that’s a scenario we’ll have well covered.

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Verdant is still not much more than a twinkle in our eye, but we do have a community forum of sorts set up.

Justin will still show off his cool netmf creations here on GHI, and I’ll go blah, blah, blah about the open source software components here as they become available. Significant pieces of the Verdant eco-system are based on GHI technology so we’ll chat that up here and elsewhere. But the new forum will be the place for Verdant-specific questions and discussions.

Even though it’s very early days, you can help shape the service by creating and participating now in discussions. And you’ll be first to know when the floodgates open and you can start integrating your own devices.

Can’t wait to get my Padawan badge 8)

I joined, do I get experience points and coupons? maybe a t-shirt?

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They probably have you on a list already.


as I should be!

I knew this whole forum things was just asking for trouble. It will probably go just fine until baba and the love doctors find us. (two years from now, somebody will read this in the archive and have no idea what I’m talking about)


@ mcalsyn - I don’t need two years, already have no clue where you’re talking about … :whistle:

@ .Peter. - Just nod your head and pretend then :slight_smile:

Imagine this but arriving in machine gun fashion every night and you’ll have some idea…

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Should keep Calsyn busy while on his jolly to the mothership :slight_smile:


Just plugged in while passing through London, and ever so happy that I did!!