Wondering about the Glide designer

I am still using the Glide Designer which is now relegated to https://old.ghielectronics.com/glide/designer.

When I go to this link, there is a banner warning that this legacy website will be taken offline at the end of the year.

How can I get the designer? Is there a new designer to take its place? I have projects that rely on it.

Forgive me if this is already answered, I searched around but didn’t see anything addressing this.


you can hand-write Glide screens (although it’s not as simple, obviously). That’ll not go away :wink:

I stumbled across something about Gravicode/TinyCLR.Glide.

Maybe this is the answer, but would be nice if I could get a copy of Glide to run locally.
I would probably even pay for it with the source code - would be nice…

download file (for use locally)

download player

and use locally “or via HTML”

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We haven’t gotten to glide yet but we have added WPF subset in the current release. And you have already seen the community contribution to being glide to TinyCLR.

One thing I have done before is to make a window in XAML and then once I am happy, copy the numbers manually to my embedded project. This way, you get a designer to see what things look like beforehand.


@valon -> for some reason I am “Forbbiden” from accessing the player from my server…
Maybe I can get it later somehow…

@Gus -> thanks for the info, I never did XAML but could take a look.

Hi Dave, I have a few downloads of Glide Studio which was written by the late Pasi Elo (Blackdogspark on our forum) and I can upload this to my website and send you the link. I’ll need to dig through my downloads to find the latest version. It’s not perfect but it does make working with Glide under the old NETMF a lot easier. The links to this are no longer active on the old GHI forum so hopefully I can find the ZIP files I last downloaded.


And I have some of them too @Dave_McLaughlin although if I remember, the N-1 was the one to use as there was some quirk that wasn’t easy to work around in the last version we saw…

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Yes, I currently use the 2nd last version too. I did contact Pasi about the source as he was thinking to make it open. Sadly, I didn’t get that chance to get it.


another things on codeshare that i found (Glide 1.0.4 version designer - source code)


Motif is an open source, plug-in based, GUI design tool that allows you to drag and drop controls for your application.


Thanks Dave and all of you for your help, really appreciate it!
I hope I can add something of value one day instead of just always looking for support…


Hi everyone, did anyone saved the Glide designer swf file ? I would really appreciate if somebody can put it online or send it to me. I need it to edit an old Glide window.


hope i find it, i have it somewhere ,just need to check first where is :frowning:

I found the installer for Version 30 of Glide Studio which you can find here. This can load your XML files and allow you to edit them using drag and drop.


There is also the exe for version 29 as 30 does have some quirks if you find you can’t run version 30.



IIRC when you and I were (last?) looking at this @Dave_McLaughlin there was a breaking bug in v30 that made it a show-stopper for my use case. But the fact you have both still available is great, such a pity about the developer, may he rest in peace.

glide designer

  • motif source code - drag n’drop designer (and like GlideStudio)
  • swf designer + swf player for windows
  • glide demo

Thank you very much for your help. Now I can make some UI upgrades.

Hello, I have to rework an old project and I absolutely need the designe glide for my T35 display.
Can you give me an active link for the download. many thanks

Then your old project has glide code in it. What do you need?

Thank you very much for your answer.

The HMI on the T35 was created using online software Glide

I need to modify the interface as well as the software on G120E.
the old link was: https://old.ghielectronics.com/swf/secure_Glide.swf?v=1.0.7b

I would like to find this software and install it on my machine.

Thank you