What modules do you like to see available for gadgeteer?

Why not call GHI and have them explaint it all? :slight_smile:

I will.

Thank you,

Can we get a “Hard Drive” module…

(controller board that handles communications and power or something like that, and keep .NETMF for coding)…
Not that any body is going to use ALL 3TB or 500GB SATA, but it would be nice to read and write to a folder in a HDD; using a “non” OS enviroment like .NETMF … (as mainstream CPUs enter more eveyday consumer lifes; Autos, Entertainment, Research… access to mass storage is something some will need…) I dont know; just thinking 5 yrs from now… thats just me.

You mean USB host :slight_smile:

Hi Gus… well I mean… you know those new Hard Drives; the ones that dont have a [italic]spining disk/disks[/italic], the ones that use IC Chips. Those are kinda expensive now, but in the following years as technology progresses; the price becomes more friendly, and by then with all these FEZers around; there might be a need, or an app that calls for a Hard Drive access (SATA)…
I see what some of these guys are doing, and wow!!!.. USB is great, it excellent; (Joy Sticks, SD Cards, Flash Drives, and a hole lot more that comes from it). I was cheering when I got my FEZmini with all those neat features.

Keep up the good work at GHI!!! :slight_smile:

I believe Gus was suggesting that you could plug an external HD/SSD into the USB host and access it that way. Are you suggesting an actual SATA gadget? The USB host seems like a more versatile solution.

Solid state drives (SSDs) have a SATA interface. You can use a SATA->USB converter to attach to a FEZ or Spider.

I don’t think there will be a lot of people who will require a direct SATA interface. The EMX might have a bit of trouble with a 3Gb interface…

Oh… wow!!.. :o… I thanks for the info ianlee74, and Mike… I have yet to have crossed that bridge… still learning .NetMF… :think: … thanks Gus for the support!! :wink:

go GHI!!!

not sure if i am explaining this right but some hard casing options. some base hard case with a method to remove portions of the case to properly expose the modules (cleanly). for instance many of your eblocks have the same proportions so they could be inserted in the main case and exposed through slots on the case.

i know you have solidworks and 3d printing however i am talking about something modular that people can buy from your store to encase everything.

Power over Ethernet Support

@ Syner - Once GHI releases the specs for the mainboard and modules, you can be sure that someone will be working on designing a case, once that someone gets a kit . The gadgeteer module spec has them aligned on a 5mm grid, so it should be relatively straightforward to do something that let’s us put different combinations of modules together on the same base (think pegboard).

I’ll second the vote for a variety of relays (diff amp capabilities). One possible way is to just add the 10 pin connector and Daisy support to the current 16 channel product that connects with EBlock 3 wire connectors.

I second the need for a “Simple RF” capability so I’ll expand on that a bit more.

I’m not sure if XBee modules are appropriate for the following description.

Since Gadgeteer modules can be chained it would be nice to be able to insert 2 simple wireless modules in the middle of a chain that could be mated to each other and then just appear to take the place of the ribbon cable. Maybe have a “Mating” button on each module so that when both buttons are simultaniously pressed and held then broght within 6" of each other they communicate and “Mate”. There would need to be some type of power connector on these modules so that the remote part of the chain can be powered and also pass power to any connected modules downstream. This is a one to one connection only.

@ Brent I like that idea!

Servos and other motors

video out, VGA or HDMI.

We have VGA out but only as an experiment for now. i may post some pictures

Hello guys,
I’ve just ordered my Spider and was wondering if it’s possible for you guys to start releasing a list of all upcoming Modules, you don’t have to release a full list but maybe a partial one, and keep adding to it as you approve them for manufacturing, so we can plan our future projects accordingly with a better idea of what module we can support…


Not sure if this has been mentioned, but a set of bridge boards to Lego MindStorms would be very cool. Gadgetteer seems a natural next step after you outgrow the Mindstorms controller and it would be nice to be able to reuse the motors and sensors.

Lego NXT mindstorm? see this GHI Electronics – Where Hardware Meets Software and GHI Electronics – Where Hardware Meets Software