Weeeeeeeeeee RTM time

The pipes are open…

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Yep, just finished downloading it!

Classic - the pipes are already clogged…

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Just finished VS2012 and Win8 is 51% done.

By the way. Is anybody going to the Build this year?

@ Architect - yeh it’s finally dribbled down - In your opinion how worth while is Build?

It was awesome last year!

hmmmmm - work owes me a road trip…or in this case a plane ride…

well poo - it’s sold out…

I wanted to, but it sold out before I could get a ticket.

And I just finished downloading Win8 pro, VS Ultimate, TFS and Office 2013 preview in about 9 minutes total - guess the pipes are unclogged, or someone setup a CDN out in the boonies near my neighborhood :wink:

It was sold out in less then an hour :wall:

Yep… I guess I’ll just have to use the funds that I would have spent to go there (and get a “free” Surface device) on building my own :wink:

No mdsn subscription for me so I guess I have to wait. But at least I can download it faster than you guys:).
P.S. I downloaded every preview since last year around september I think.

I did a few preformance benchmarks with release preview (bit) and windows 7 pro (64 bit).
The specs of my machine are:
■CPU AMD Phenom X3 8450 Toliman 65nm Technology
■RAM 3.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 400MHz
■Motherboard Acer RS780HVF (AM2+)
■Display Acer X213W (1680×1050)
■GPU EVGA GeForce GTX 550 Ti 2048MB
■HDD 500GB Hitachi HDP725050GLA380 ATA Device (SATA)
■Optical Drive Optiarc DVD RW AD-7203S ATA

Noob123, don’t get Architect started… Trust me you don’t want to see his download speed. :frowning:

Also, you might want to check your Windows EULA. Last time I checked a Microsoft EULA it specifically stated you were not allowed to publish benchmarks w/o their consent :wink:

Oh, my internet is a residential internent. I am also getting a vps for my webhosting so I can technically get higher. I should get the vps tommorrow or friday with windows web server 2008 r2, 512 mb ram,Single Core Xeon 1.0 Ghz and 20 GB hdd for about $160 for 1 year. The whole server has a 1GB Fiber Connection and there are about 10-15 clients on the server.

For folks who haven’t installed yet, I wrote a blog post tonight sharing how to use the system image feature in Windows to create a backup image, in case you needed to restore for any reason (or you can mount the image later, if you needed to retrieve files from your previous install).

@ devhammer - thanks for that. It might be timely to start a thread regarding tips for getting NETMF/Gadgeteer working with Win8 if there’s anything noteworthy. I’m trying to restrain myself until after DevLink but I may end up giving in :slight_smile:

And you haven’t found a way to get Gadgeteer working with VS2012, right?

@ ianlee74 - you will have to wait until 4.3 to use VS2012

@ Justin - are you talking about .NET Micro Framework 4.3, any tentative date, NET MF site says Alpha planned http://netmf.codeplex.com/releases/view/81000. It looks it will take long…