USBizi sustainability

Hi @ GHI,

A question before going the wrong way !

How long do you plan to sustain the USBizi chipset ? I’m thinking about using this type of chip to integrate into several modules, and make them communicate with my baseboard (CHIPWORKX) using UART, but I want to be sure not to spend time in building schematics and PCB with USBizi, if you decide to abandon…

Let say that if it is going on for 5 years more, it will be ok for me, otherwise the solution would be CERB40…

As you can see the idea is to use very low costs chip to have a good price at the end.

Thanks for your feedback

It will be available as long as the NXP processor is available. Even if it off the website in future (no plans for that yet) you can still order it from us directly.

Hi Gus,

thanks for your feedback !

@ LouisCpro - how about you contact NXP and post back what is the lifetime of this chip? Thanks.

Hi all,

Lately done !

Now waiting for the reply…

@ LouisCpro - great, looking forward to the response.

Here’s the answer :

At this point there are absolutely no plans to discontinue the LPC2387 and LPC2388.
However, for new designs i would consider to use the Cortex M3 based LPC177x family, see: LPC1700 Series: Scalable Mainstream Microcontrollers (MCUs) based on Arm® Cortex®-M3 Cores | NXP Semiconductors

Please let us know if this does not resolve your inquiry. Your ticket will remain closed if we do not hear from you.

Best Regards,
The NXP Technical Support Team
NXP Semiconductors

@ GUS : Any project with the LPC177x ?

They do not make a 100pin LPC17x with same ram and flash. If they did we would have had LPC1700 long time ago! It is already used on G120 so it i already ported by us.


I fully kick my ass not to have seen the G120 til then :((

G120 rocks. This little module will change the way commercial customers think of the system cost and engineering cost.

1 Like

@ GUS,

Always out of stock til september ?

You have to contact GHI directly on this one.

This is a new product that hasn’t shipped yet.

@ Gus - Hi,

2 months ago we were talking about the USBIZI and NXP (see the previous posts), and found that it will be available for some years, but for some reasons, quite every related modules (PANDA II, DOMINO) are now going out in profit to G120 based modules (however I understand the profit it would be in technical terms).

In the meantime, I started to work with the company who is making my needed modules conception, based on the USBIZI100 that is provided as a standalone chip, easily integrable on a from scrash board the we are building.

In this case, do you confirm that the end of LPC based module does not mean the end of USBIZI, and that you’ll be able to supply them for at least 3 years, because if not, I have to quickly look after another solution !

For information, estimated USBIZI volume need will be about 1K per year during the 2 foolowing years…we hope :slight_smile:

Thanks for your feedback !

We will always be offering usbizi in MOQ 100 pcs even if discontinued, which is not as of today.

OK, and would you be able to provide the same “prepared” chip for the STM32F405 ?

I mean, I’m interested only to buy the chip, and solder it on my board…

We do not have such product.

The STM32F4 family port is open so there’s no need for GHI to do anything; while ever you can buy the processor from mouser/digikey/STMicro direct, you can get netmf on it.

@ Brett -

This is where I see my low level technical knowledge is limited :-((

You mean that if I buy a STM32F4, solder it on my board (respecting some connection such as the USB, the BL# PIN, The USB_CON up and so on), I would be able to install the NETMF4.2 has if it was a FEZ CERBERUS ?

If yes, it is a great thing as the STM price is quite the same as the USBIZI, but with a recent and more powerful architecture…

@ LouisCpro - Yes as Brett stated it is just a standard uC that you can buy yourself and install .net as it is all open source.