USB Driver for debugging

I wired a SCM20260N to USB, but no driver gets loaded.

Windows comes up with an exclamation mark - no driver found.
I want to program to TinyCLR Config tool and start debugging

Were can I find the drivers
Thanks for your time

Did you follow the getting started instructions here?

Yes, I did
I am not sure what I am doing wrong

Now I grounded LDR
The APP and MODES are open

  • the USB shows up as COM Port

I was able to program the latest firmware
But not able to deploy the blinker application - it tries on the COM port but fails

Release LDR after loading the firmware and the board will now be ready for visual studio

Once you are done updating firmware, the LDR need to be high, reset the board then you can deploy the app.

make sure you select right interface again (USB or COM port).

Which is the COM port number, it is not labelled on you site

And if I use USB the driver does not load does it use CDC driver

  • SC20260: COM5
  • SC20100: COM1


HI, I am having issues again with the USB driver loading on SCM20260N


MODE=>open, APP =>open, LDR=>grounded
It was showing up as COM port so the Visual studio can program it.
Now what ever I do on LDR it always show up as SC20260

Unless the pin is damaged, there is no way for this to happen

Yes…Thanks, got it working

How, please?

we soldered the pins again, I think there was a loose connection

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