TinyCLR 2.0 Insiders Wanted

It is not a secret that we love .NET C# on embedded devices. For over 10 years, we have pushed NETMF far beyond its limits and offered world-class commercial modules that are still in full production today. Last year TinyCLR 1.0 was released with a complete refactor of NETMF’s internals. The community has been a great supporter in validating the core and providing some very valuable feedback.

You have asked for super secure IoT with full networking support. We have done just that and added some more! We even changed the hardware and product offering to focus even further on the commercial use. We didn’t forget about the maker community and we still want to empower them but focus with this release will be on the commercial use.

Today, we are happy to announce the TinyCLR 2.0 private beta testing program. To qualify, you must be an existing user of GHI Electronics modules and willing to sign a confidentiality agreement. Preferably, you also have a commercial product that is based on one of the GHI Electronics module/chipsets. You will receive one of the beta testing boards and be added to a special dedicated mailing list.

If interested, you may contact us directly. We have limited seats so please contact us today at



Wasn’t expecting that announcement!

Will this include some sort of flash protection for us commercial users who worry about code protection?

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Yes and a lot more! The entire system is designed around security.


Excellent. Email sent.

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Any update for us beta testers?

We are waiting till month end before we start the process.

It will be well worth the wait.


Thanks Gus!!

The Beta program starts on Monday. Check your inbox for important information. If you haven’t received the information email us at support@ghielectronics.com


Is the USB client working in 2.0? (Our product only uses USB client, GPIO interrupt, SPI and I2C)

My Monday? Cool ! :rofl:
Cool none the less, congrats on the next milestone


I’m getting excited!!

Why not join the program and know every detail you need. But speaking of USB Client. what do you exactly mean? OR what does your product exactly do with USB client?

LOL yeah why not!


By USB client I mean Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.UsbClient. Our product is using G400 as bridge between PC and hardwares. The linkage between PC and G400 is through USB so it was why I was asking whether USB client is supported.

Just remember @Brett is running 2hrs late so make it my Monday :smile:


HID? Or something else? I will check with the team.

We are using USB Client Custom Device on G400 and WinUSB on the PC end. Thanks Gus!

Your monday ? It’s my monday too ! :wink:
Can’t wait to have good news …

Won’t be long and it will be Tuesday here :blush: