The new FEZ is here and it is free!

is it a coprocessor with extra memory for the spider? :slight_smile:

Iā€™m guessing a USBizi with less powerā€¦ Only thing wrong with the current Spider is the price. It wouldnā€™t make a lot of sense to make an even more expensive Gadgeteer so soon after the Spider release. We need more Gadgeteers not fewer.

Based on the number of connectors along the edge of the Hydra you can sort of estimate the size and it looks like it would be big enough to have the Chipworx module on the other side.

Guess we have to wait and see.

You can see that big memory chip in the corner where reset button is.

But a picture of the other side has been posted, and there was nothing there ;D

Doh! Your right! Iā€™m a dope.


Far from it! :smiley:

I would guess a new MCU, maybe STM32, maybe Freescale, maybe even the same SAM9 from Chipworkx, 150 MHz or faster. Could even be based directly on the (proven) Chipworkx design.

Remember when someone mentioned the higher-MHz Gadgeteer mainboard available elsewhere and Gus asked him to stay tuned to upcoming announcements?


Well, here you are.

I stared hard at the pictures and this is what I see.

EDIT : I am going to email my dreams to Gus instead !

I think itā€™s a Gadgeteer with Chipworks module instead of EMXā€¦ :slight_smile:

I think it uses the chipworkx module?

Another hint for you, no it is not ChipworkX but it is 200Mhz like ChipworkX.

ā€¦more info coming soon :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it a TI chip?

When Gus says ā€œMultiple FEZsā€ he means a new LINE of FEZ boards, not a single board with mulitple cores.

I would guess weā€™re seeing the switch from LPC to something else.

A TI chip would rock (and not just because they are a local Texas company). They make some great ARM processors.

Really?! A TI processor? :o

What is special about TI?! The nice processors they have are not suitable for netmf. We did in fact evaluate them.

The fastest MCU in the Stellaris 9000 family is 80 MHz. The most RAM available is 96KB, and the most flash available is 512KB.

There doesnā€™t seem to be significant improvement over the older LPC parts.

Snapdragon isnā€™t a microcontroller, itā€™s a SoC which includes a GPU and a radio.

Must be one of the LH7A40x