The new FEZ is here and it is free!

Will it auto-repair if you fry a part of it ? :o :think:

Here you go…

Nice! :o

I wonder where power plug goes to? :think:

LOL i guess i got it backwards, four legs and multiple heads…

so it is the opposite of a SPIDER ??? or a Spider with Multiple heads…

can’t wait to learn more about it…


Obviously the tail is the power cord.

And the legs are its ground :wink:

So here is the first hint, it is a Gadgeteer mainboard :slight_smile: But there is something special about this board. What would that be?

And here is the back…it is FEZ Hydra for sure :slight_smile:

Wow the graphic is real… cool
i wonder what kind of processor is in the heart of the HYDRA…

Hydra was a multi-headed monster … is this maybe a multicore part?


Stop that Mike! … the only thing that will come from that is a flat forehead.

Why are you banging your head against the wall?

It has one CPU according to Gus:

My guess would be some new powerful ARM unit.

I didn’t think NetMF did multi-core, but it would have been nice. Still … why Hydra? I guess it could just be several times faster than any of the others or have more outputs, but it doesn’t look it has more from the picture.

Second display maybe? But I don’t see it in sockets.

OK, just my guess here, but possibly some way to natively connect multiple Fez’s together…? Independent processors but built in ability to communicate natively? Hm…

Stephen … you might be on to something here.

Come on Gus!! Quit teasing … give us more info.

I think it is a gadgeteer based on chipworkx module. Powerfull enough and a perfect fit within the product range of GHI.

What’s going on over here? I get busy for couple hours and I miss this long discussion?
BTW I know a lot about FEZ Hydra. But I am not telling. 8)

Can we at least know when the full details will be available?