The FEZ HAT...The Ultimate Raspberry Pi Topping!

@ Squeebee - That’s why you need multiple holey boards and only have one out a time.

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Brilliant! Now to hide my credit card bill.

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And a question, can I still do serial with this on top of my RP2?

I’m tinkering with XBee and would like to have both connected at once if possible.

@ Squeebee - absolutely

Awesome, I got my RP2 in the mail, just waiting on my Hat.

Jumping ahead: Where would I connect the tx/rx and what COM port will it be, 1?

The hat doesn’t use these pins. You can solder two wires right on the header.

Last time I checked, native serial wasn’t yet supported on IoT core on the pi2. FYI


@ Pete Brown - correct. We used Linux to test it and look forward to seeing the Windows support.

Ok, and it occurs to me that since I have a Sparkfun USB Explorer, when there is serial support I should be able to do so through USB anyway.

Where is the last version of file ?


@ pierlag - You may have better luck here to find the latest sources for not only the FEZ HAT [url][/url]

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