Saturday SITCore routing

Just ask, you have the power :cowboy_hat_face:

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I am happy to hear this. There are THOUSANDS and thousands of modules out there. They are completely workable and usable. It is a shame they are not being used.

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The original breakout boards are keeping some modules activeā€¦


we use gadgeteer on daily bases at GHI

The original NETMF boards are still keeping some (of my) modules active :joy:

Always love to see love for gadgeteer. Anything gadgeteer that (easily) supports some kind of (Ethernet) networking will get love from me too.



Nice, I did not think about the original module drivers still working. Makes sense, the board is the abstraction, that is a pleasant surprise. After all these years I have forgotten the specifics of how Gadgeteer worked.

Best we tool you up again :yum:

not yet on the ingenuity store

Still hasnā€™t stopped no. 1 heading off to Qld Oz tomorrow :cowboy_hat_face:


wait, what?!! I havenā€™t moved to QLDā€¦ does that mean you have a new favourite ? Hmmā€¦

FireFly has arrived in Oz! Thank you @Justin.
A big weekend ahead digging out old modules and re-learning Gadgeteer.


Success :slight_smile:
Socket 1 - S - Display N18 Module
Socket 2 - Y - LED Strip Module
Socket 3 - Y - Character Display Module
Socket 4 - D - USB Client DP Module
Socket 5 - S - Ethernet ENC28 Module
Socket 6 - not used

Also in this image is the

Network detected and IP address assigned by DHCP.


Nice :slight_smile:

Need to find something to connect into Socket 6 :cowboy_hat_face:

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Which mini network switch are you using? I am using a SwitchBlox 5 port mini one here at one end of an Ethernet to twisted pair link for a work project.

In answer to my own post, I see that it is the Gigabit version.

@Dave_McLaughlin, yes I was using the 5 port GigaBlox. I havenā€™t really had the chance to stress test it. How have you found the yours?

Wow Iā€™ve missed this thread. @Justin: is it possible to have some of fireflies ?

How big is your glass entrapment device?



I think 2 or 3 would be nice, it depends of how coast 1 board and shipping to France !