Pyxis 2 Released

@ Gus, I think we need more people actively developing apps on Pyxis 2.

@ everyone else, Well? Come on, get to it

I’m starting to develop a rfid client application based on Pyxis 2 with some socket communication to a central server. My blueprints are ready and gathered all the needed info. Currently i’m doing some work for devving a driver within pyxis for I2C.

One quick question regarding Pyxis 2: what format is the default boot screen and desktop wall paper? Can I provide my own?

The boot screen and wallpapers are all JPEGs. I changed the extension simply because of the way VS deals with adding JPEG resources. You are very welcome to create your own.

The boot screen is handled in Pyxis2; program.cs -> BootScreen

ok, thx for your quick response

Another exposure:

@ Skewworks on the Panda or Domino, can’t we use this display: [url][/url] it is cheap!

We might get something from GHI as well. Gralin was one of the attendees at EW and he posted this image:

@ Ramon that may very well be an option that I’ll look into soon.

At the moment there is another LCD I’m working with for a port to a smaller device.

We’ve also got an update coming out to coincide w/ the release of GHI’s new firmware that offers up a few nice new features. ;D

Actually; I’ve just ordered the display & adapter. I’ll let you know when I have something running.

Anyone want to suggest a name for this port of Pyxis?

Pyxis Available

Well it’s time once again for a Pyxis update :smiley:

  1. 800x480 support added to Cobra (use the hardware buttons to select your screen size during boot: Up 320x240; Sel 480x272; Down 800x480)

  2. You can now install SERVICES :smiley:

  3. New settings interface

  4. New Boot Screen

  5. New Controls

  6. Context-Menus

  7. SystemTray Icons can now be coded & clicked

  8. Much more.

I am not seeing a TinyCLR forum app :smiley:

Actually we do have an app, just working on the post side; I had set it aside waiting for the web interface you guys had release :wink: I’ll try and add it to the App Market soon.