Problem with chipworkX updater

All looks fine. Not sure why the update would fail. You can try manually and also try the software updater in SDK.

I have tried it everything. Chipworkx updater, manually, different pcs with different OS, external power, I don’t know what else try… :think:

Go back to manual update. Tell us what you find at each step. Might help just by saying it out loud to us all, someone might pick up something subtle.

Copy the exe file to the desktop and try to run it in administration mode.

What is the COM number when it is in the boot strap mode? IT should not be higher than COM50

This is what I am getting using manual process and chipworkx updater. I already reinstalled the SDK and the same error.

Can somebody explain what this error means? seems a hardware malfunction…

There is no way to reset the chipworkX module using the hardware process (UP, DOWN, SELECT BUTTONS) since the LCD does not show anything, it’s blank. Even chipworkX is recognized removing jumper, there has no had way to recover it. I have run the process like administrator using the manual and the SDK Updater. I wonder if there is any other recovery process I can try…please let me know… :’(

But your image show you are using the updater app nit manual!

You do not need to do that. Your board is blank already (or damaged!) as you are already seeing the ChipworkX updater driver in device manager. All you need now is to open command prompt and folow the steps on wiki

Here is what the wiki says!

[quote]Updating TinyBooter:

  1. After installing TinyBooter Updater USB Driver and recognizing the new COM port number, open command prompt and go to the following%GHINETMFSDK%\ChipworkX\Firmware\TinyBooter Updater\
  2. Run the following command to run the script: “ChipworkX_TinyBooter_Updater.bat COMx” where x is the number of newly created Serial Port.

If you still have problems, open your command prompt “as administrator” and try again.

Still no luck, try a different PC.

Still no luck, ship to GHI as I am really curious of the board is bad or you are doing something different.

  1. In Reply 64, I put both images manual (top) and chipworkx updater (bottom).
  2. Using chipworkX updater in my laptop (Win Vista), system asks me to run process from step 1 to 6 (that means chipworx is not blank).
  3. I have run the process manual and using chipworkx updater, with different pcs and nothing has changed.

I am afraid module is damaged… :’(

“…2.Using chipworkX updater in my laptop (Win Vista), system asks me to run process from step 1 to 6 (that means chipworx is not blank)…”

Not sure. That app asked you run progress from step 1 to 6 because it didn’t see any needed COM# to execute next step. It doesn’t mean your ChipworkX blank or not.