We are still adding more and more fun demos to our both at maker fair. Here is the “perfect game” TicTacToe I am making. Why perfect? The goal is to code it so you will never win…then challenge you to beat it to get a free FEZ
Here are some images of the prograss. Do not think it doesn’t look good yet :naughty: …if you saw what I did with the LED game you will see how it looked when it was all done…very pretty
LED game work in progress: [url]http://www.tinyclr.com/forum/7/582/[/url]
LED game video (it looks even better now) [url]- YouTube
…enough talking…here are the pictures
Cutting plastic cups to make perfect circles…the Os
…now to figure out where to mount FEZ Panda and how to take user input. There is some wiring still but that is only very few (compared to the LED game!)
Use 6 sharp range finders, one above each row, one above each column. Then detect their hands over whichever position based on the distance from the sensor to know where their hand is.
That is an interesting idea Mark. You could deduce that someone was taking a turn when you saw ‘something’ and then when you see a steady reading for a few second that would be the same as pressing a button.
You could also use an RFID reader under each square and each player would have their own tag.
I thought about range and also thought about light sensors. There are complication like when user want to put hand over one the squares, his arm will cover another square(s). We will try different things to find the idea solution