My FEZ Magic Radio

I sort of sidetracked my nixie tube thread with info about this a while back… but I finally got everything together enough to shoot a quick demo. I have TONS of plans to make this thing do more, but for now here she is.

Running on a Panda II, music shield, and a custom PCB to interface for the switches and lights. Stereo tracks are split so one runs to the speaker, and the external line runs to the surround sound in the room. The external line is mostly used for ambient sound. There is a momentary rotary Fast Forward/Rewind switch, 12 position channel switch, and of course Power/Volume pot.

I also have an input switch with a Belkin Bluetooth music receiver in there to stream from my cell phone.


+1Million to BioShock sounds! Well done

Man that’s cool. You really need to blog about it. Hack a Day and everyone would eat that up (and give that Panda some global love!).


Bioshock has 4 channels.

3 consist of every Audio Diary in order from BS1, BS2, and Minerva’s Den. Then Rapture Radio is 90 minutes of game music/40s music with advertisments for plasmids and such.

Lets hope Infinite has some great material too!

Thanks! I just might. I figure some people on the Disney forums would kill for one too.

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This would actually make an awesome Kickstarter item. I bet you could raise some serious cash. You could create a community site of light/sound effects that people could create & upload and others could download to pair up with their music. It’s a very interesting product.

I’ve very much considered it. Ohhhhh the copyright woes though! But beyond that I’d need to create a good light sequence editor… Most people aren’t going to program the lights in C# based off playstream position like I do.

@ FireyFate - I’ll be on infinite day one…now blog this so I can make one too! I’ve got a Panda II that would just love to become one of these. :smiley:

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Copyright woes? I’m not recommending that people upload the music. They could only upload their effects and then people could download the effects and pair it up with the music they already have. You could most definitely build software to make this easy.

Ahhh I see what you are getting at. Well, that GUI in my first post is pretty much the most complex graphical based program I’ve created up to this point… so it would probably take me a long time to figure out a light editor that wouldn’t be just straight programming for the user. I had originally visualized something built on Audacity with timeline based editing, but it would be pretty hard for me. I’d have to pair up with a more experienced developer.

I got BS2 at the midnight launch and played for 4 hours lol.

But… but… blogging takes time! I gotta write a Nixie Module driver and design an improved SOM circuit board for the radio next!

@ FireyFate - haha well I’ve got one of this DFRobot nixies too and I could lend a hand with your GUI. :wink:

Course you could just send me the schematic and source so I can have one. That’s the important part :whistle:

@ FireyFate - Very cool project :slight_smile:

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Very cool indeed. I would love to see a blog post about it

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@ FireyFate - Beautiful!!!

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I appreciate the kind words from the pros. I was waiting for Architect to see it after the interest in the other thread!

Nice work!

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I think my latest progress is not bad for someone who learned what a “socket” was only yesterday :wink: This is using the Toolbox.NETMF.Hardware.WiFlyGSX driver. Unfortunately as far as I can tell with this the NETMF device can only be the client and not the server… I’d like the radio to be the server.

Currently it just tries to connect to the server (Galaxy S3) repeatedly until it finds it.

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Good progress!

Thanks! It really is a great time to be doing this sort of stuff… where NETMF is at we have a ton of devices even a beginner can figure out in a day or two.

WiFly is really cool too. Went with the regulated Xbee Explorer, added 4 wires, and viola.

Lightning window output has been in the design all along… but I finally got around to putting the LEDs up in the window. Looks pretty realistic in person… hard to catch on video so I overexposed it a bit.

Right now a 4N35 optocoupler is switching the 12V to the LED strip… its limiting the current a bit, so I might throw a transistor on that output and get it even brighter.