Is there any way to diagnose the FT5316Controller?
I have a touch screen that I’m connecting to via i2c that used the FT5316. I’m getting no response from it, using the endpoint driver. I guess that means it’s not asserting the os interrupt?
Is there any way to diagnose the FT5316Controller?
I have a touch screen that I’m connecting to via i2c that used the FT5316. I’m getting no response from it, using the endpoint driver. I guess that means it’s not asserting the os interrupt?
When I hear ‘diagnose’ and ‘i2c’ together, I reach for the Salaea logic analyzer and some PCBite probes.
I would check interrupt working or not first. Just add even and print out something make sure interrupt is fired.
I downloaded the driver from Ghi’s Github and put the code into my project. Then I put a breakpoint on the “OnInterrrupt()” method. It never hit. Sooo… (wow this one’s hard. SPI I know)
The interrupt event should be fired, if not, something with the screen or wrong interrupt pin.
Try to short that pin to GND or VCC to see if we have interrupt on that pin.
No response when connecting to GND. Its PA4 btw.
Edit: Correction. Interrupt works. (code was wonky)
No response when connecting to GND. Its PA4 btw.
Depends on interrupt config, you may need change the state from high to low or low to high to generate interrupt
Edit: Correction. Interrupt works. (code was wonky)
Everthing work now?
No, the touch controller isn’t doing anything and not triggering the interrupt pin (not hitting the breakpoint in the code).
Could the interrupt be inverted?
To get touch working, interrupt has to work first.
Do you mean when you make project with interrupt only then interrupt work
But interrupt in touch driver doesn’t work?
When I do a project with interrupt only and physically short the interrupt pin to gnd without the touch sensor connected, the code generates an interrupt, and the breakpoint is hit in the debugger.
When I reconnect the touch controller and touch the display, the interrupt code never triggers.
(I need to write this better)
If the connection is correct, then something wrong with the screen. Make sure you connect to right interrupt pin. Did you test with other screens?
What is the screen exactly you have? We can check in our stock and try it if we have it.
I don’t think that you do. It’s this one with the 7" Capacitive touch and controller.
This is from the capacitive touch data sheet. When they specify 2 pins for VDD and GND, do they mean that both need to be connected to VDD and GND?
I think they are using pin 1 to pin 7.
And make sure pin4 (RESET) is in proper state, it is high I guess.
(I’ll test reset in a bit)
I just ran a continuity test on the two GND and VCC pins. They don’t appear to be connected internally. I wonder now.
From the link you posted, seems to me they use only 7 pins. If 8,9,10 is not connected it is normal to me.
Make sure pin 1 (GND),7 (VCC) are connected. Pin 4 (RESET) are high, then pin 5 (INT) should work. If not I think bad screen. Pin 2 (SDA), 3 (SCL) no needed for interupt testing, I think
Welp, I tried connecting up the other pins. Still no interrupt. Time to cry.