Interesting :)

They have the Galileo up there, so that answers my question.

I read somewhere that io is slower on it as the chip is going through I2C, iirc, to get to the pins.


So this has the same MHz as a G400, but seems less capable GPIO wise, but more capable in other ways.

@ mhectorgato - I just watched the Keynote Video from BUILD and they showed a Galileo running some version of Windows (at 2:05 in the video). They were able to telnet into the board and run executables. And I think they showed the command prompt reported running Windows 8.1. That is a headless version of Windows.

Interesting to follow, but still it seems really backward looking that the Arduino headers has this prominent place in the koncept…?

What’s the point of having headless Windows?..

That Galileo board looks such a backward step. I guess it is Intel trying to get into the embedded market. I am afraid that does not excite me very much even with Microsoft’s marketing.

Not really sure what the point of WinRT is as it seems to me that it is another type of .Net CLR but created by another team within Microsoft.

But I am excited that my new Cobra II boards, CP7 with a few modules arrive tomorrow! :stuck_out_tongue:

GHI just now has to release a next generation board with multiple cores with gadgeteering sockets, life would be complete ;D (like the hard kernel boards).

have you guys seen this perty site yet? (apologies if it’s been posted already)

They’ve even added a new partner competency called Intelligent Systems.

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[quote=“Simon from Vilnius”]What’s the point of having headless Windows?..[/quote] I think of headless Windows as basically something like the command prompt from windows and the bare minimum to execute applications and services. I get the full .NET runtime and the extensive driver compatibility.

Windows on cellphone-sized devices is OLD news (as in, before IoT was a “thing”, and before smartphones were a “thing”).

Wake me up when Windows runs on AA batteries. That’s when things get interesting. Otherwise, it’s “Internet of Mains Sockets”.

That new Intel shark cove board looks interesting, is gadgeteer compatible?

On MSDN there are several new Embedded is options - that I noticed at least.

Windows Embedded
Windows Embedded 8 Standard
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Update

About 1/4 way through, but here’s some NETMF info (see screenshot)

He’s talking about low tens and high single digit $$ BoMs… you’d need to get to 2000+ qty to get the volume discount just for the stm32f405 to get to under 9 for just the mCu.

Also referenced getting generics and another modern language features, better speed and getting it to run in current VS versions.

Good to hear they’re committed to “doubling down” on NETMF. Will be interesting to see where that goes. Netduino got a nice plug. Apparently GHI lost that auction :wink: Interesting there wasn’t really any Gadgeteer love mentioned.

Love that they will bring generics and more modern stuff to the MF platform ;D

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JIT compiler! We need JIT compiler!!!

Wake me up, when there is a Gadgeteer device that runs more than two hours on a set of AA… :wink:

I know, but why do you need it…

To take over the world, of course!

This would increase execution speed about factor 10. No need for RLP anymore (at least way less).
By this you could use cheaper and less power consuming CPU for the same job.

If the code runs faster you can either :-

a) underclock and save power.
b) race-to-sleep and save power.
d) do more.

And where’s “c)”? :slight_smile: