Hydra Firmware Update ERROR

I newly received my hydra and tried to update the firmware. However it failed and then my laptop did not recognize Hydra ever…
I have no SD Module to install it manually and I have to pay 50$ shipping for 7$ module … I am not mentioning about waiting another 2 weeks…
I tried it in another laptop and luckily it recognized it on COM#3. I try to update firmware on this second laptop however now it gives this error:

Connecting to device…
Hydra found at Port#: COM3
Device will be updated automatically! DO NOT disconnect or turn off the device!
TinyBooterLoader.tcl was not found. Please re-install GHI NETMF SDK. Aborting…
Cannot update TinyBooter. Aborting…

Please help me with this I really dont know what to do, thank you


Hi there,

Show us device manager picture so we can see what type of device you’re currently showing.

The simplest process is going to be the wire on socket 3 or 4, pin 8 to pin 10, to make sure you boot into bootloader mode, and you can go from there. See http://wiki.tinyclr.com/index.php?title=Firmware_Update_FEZ_Hydra for the detail

On second laptop do what the error message said. Reinstall the sdk

It recognizes it as “GPS Camera Detect (COM3)”

I did it already. Did not help…

Does this file exist on: C:\Program Files (x86)\GHI Electronics\GHI OSHW NETMF v4.2 SDK\FEZ Hydra\Firmware\FEZ Hydra TinyBooter Updater\TinyBooterLoader.tcl ?

(win32bit C:\Program Files\GHI Electronics\GHI OSHW NETMF v4.2 SDK\FEZ Hydra\Firmware\FEZ Hydra TinyBooter Updater\TinyBooterLoader.tcl)

Yes it exists with other files int the screenshot.

can you show me full path please,

C:\Program Files\GHI Electronics\GHI OSHW NETMF v4.2 SDK\FEZ Hydra\Firmware\FEZ Hydra TinyBooter Updater

I tried the steps in http://wiki.tinyclr.com/index.php?title=Firmware_Update_FEZ_Hydra
I fixed the tinybooter as TinyBooter Version:

But device->Get Firmware Version shows nothing…

that probably means you have no firmware. Proceed through the next step in the manual process?

I choose all files in the “Non Ethernet” file, and it gives

[b]Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.[/b]

I press “continue” and the log gets:
Device will be updated automatically! DO NOT disconnect or turn off the device!

But nothing happens.

I really wonder that does it makes such trouble for everyone…

I think in this case, you should update manually.

Dat I already loaded Bootstrap and Tinyloader. All I need is to get rid of this idiotic exception and flash firmware. My HydraFirmwareUploader even starts with this exception!? And the funny part is my 2 laptops here has the same exception as I mentioned above… Thank you for all your help, waiting for your replies…

I mean that is probably a bug of HydraFirmwareUpdater app. we will check it. Now forget this application, try to update manually http://wiki.tinyclr.com/index.php?title=Firmware_Update_FEZ_Hydra

And also, if you loaded Bootstrap and TinyBooter, next step just need to use MFDeploy to deploy the firmware.
If you can, please show us your Device Manager

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Yes I tried MF Deploy. It flashed firmware. However after using mfdeploy, when I ping TinyBooter changes into TinyCLR, does it affects anything?
Actually I tried while i was writing and it gave “An error has occured: please check your hardware.” on VS 2010. (only code I am trying is Mainboard.SetDebugLED(true) )

Here is also my device manager and uploader screen…

Yes you should see tinyclr when you have the firmware

Allright then firmware settings is done thanks to all of you. Then I should start seeking what any others did with An error has occured: please check your hardware message in VS…
Thank You all…

Are you using powered hub? Or using power pack to power up your board?

I have DP module but I use it with USB hub. Is it because not enough voltage? even if there is no module attached into mainboard?

actually yes I now read that you advise more power here http://www.tinyclr.com/forum/topic?id=6778&page=1
so let me try both with hub and adapter tomorrow.
Thank you Gus