HD 44780 module and LCD soldering

Hi to all! Could anybody help me to find a step by step tutorial or scheme how to make soldering of HD 22780 module and LCD. Thank you. (picture of parts attached)

I doubt there is a tutorial on how to solder these two together in particular but it should be pretty straightforward. All pins should be marked.

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Edit Here is the schematic for the HD47780 module, and notice no period after the link!


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@ andre.m - lol…now I am sure :wall:

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Alex, as per the schematic, pins 15 and 16 on the HD44780 drive the back light, pins 1 to 14 interface with the controller on the LCD. You just need to make sure that you connect the HD to the LCD with the pins in line. It is most probably that pin 1 on the LCD connects to pin 1 on the HD, 2 - 2, 3 - 3, etc, etc. but I suggest you find the pinout for your chosen LCD and make sure everything lines up. I’ve used 16x2 and 40x4 on numerous occasions with no issues at all once the pins were aligned. I also use SIL board-to-board pin headers to allow me to remove them or change them as my needs change too, such as




Good luck.

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Very useful information. Thank you

This is the best link in my life, cuz it with no period ))

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This link would be helpful to somebody like me: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-drive-a-character-LCD-displays-using-DIP-sw/step2/HD44780-pinout/

This is HD 44780 LCD pinout. Just connect pin to pin with your HD 44780 module and it should work. I am going to try it on days… i will upload some pictures after experiments.

Let us know how it goes!

For some reason, it never seems to end!

Hi guys! I ve got a problem… cant print any characters on the screen… please tell what am i doing wrong? I connect the LCD pin to pin from 1 to 16 to HD 44780 module, set module to 3 socket of cerbuino bee mainboard and run the folowing code:

 void ProgramStarted()
            characterDisplay.BacklightEnabled = true;
            characterDisplay.Print("Hello world");


I cant see any chars only blank blue screen with a backlight… (picture attached)

@ Alex Bilityuk - From your photo I see that you just twisted the wires. If you don’t want to solder it, make sure all connections are good.

By the way, from Gary’s schematics document you only have to worry about 1-6 and 11-16.

4 in the middle (7-10) are not used.

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Not to be rude, but I think you could increase your chance of success by training some soldering. The is great online videos that will bring you on target.

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@ Alex Bilityuk - as njbuch suggested soldering would be much better and also Architect’s suggestion to make sure the connections are solid if you are not soldering.

There may be another thing that may be necessary. If you look at the schematics, there are two resistors, R1 and R2, of which R2 should be populated while the other should be not populated. It is possible that the particular screen that you have requires a high voltage on the contrast pin (pin 3) instead of it being pulled to ground. If after you make sure the connections are solid and you still do not see any characters displayed, apply power to the contrast pin by tying it high.

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Thank you don,t leave me alone face to face with my problem! The next time i will do a soldering without 7-10 pins as suggested and i hope there will be some strings on the scrin!!

[quote=“Alex Bilityuk”]

I’ve bought a soldering station today and i am ready to start soldering process tonight, i just need to know before i start how to tying the pin high? Should i make a jumper from 1 and 2 pin to 3 pin? Thank you…

“tie high” means you connect that pin to the positive voltage pin.
“tie low” would be to tie it to the GND pin.

Based on your reference, http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-drive-a-character-LCD-displays-using-DIP-sw/step2/HD44780-pinout/ that means connecting to pin 2

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Brett, thank you for explanation.

Instead of wires, I suggest you find something like this.


It will give you a far more solid connection between the LCD the module.

Have a browse on YouTube for some tutorials on soldering. Some are quite old but they will give you the basics and you can practice if you get yourself some protoboard.

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I dont have break away headers yet because i soldered module with a wires.

The almost done guys… The last question… how to reduce lcd contrast on pin 3??? it’s not readable… when i start to look at lcd in a really sharp angle i can see the chars i printed on it .