GHI SDK 4.1 is online and it includes RLP

Aww bummer. Oh well, I’m sure you guys will get it worked out soon enough…

But it’s in the 4.1 where I can find the Hibernation mode so I can’t do anything else for now

C’est dommage!!! So I’m gonna wait till monday.

good decision to hold off if any problems arise, better than having confusing updates…
keep up the good work

How’s the release going, Gus?

I am not the “SDK-man” so I do not know…all I know, very soon!

DC Motor drivers have both the same error with the PWM declaration:

This line:

Gives this error:

What is wrong?

A 1000 new features - how do we catch up ?

Raj, was this in response to this post or to the the new post I made about 4.1? I am afraid there is a problem in forum! I hope not!

My bad - I posted on the wrong thread :slight_smile: