Free boards from GHI ... Happy Holidays!

We have about a dozen of USBizi-DevSys boards that we want to give away for free. This is a discontinued product that was replaced by the FEZ boards but the chipset/firmware used on the board is USBizi…in other words, this is 100% FEZ Domino or FEZ Rhino! See image below.

We have tested them and loaded them with latest firmware with a blinking LED example (LED is on USBizi pin #2)

If you are a user level “FEZ Junior” or higher and you have use for this free board then please send an email to ghielec@ with your forum user name and a link to this post.

Quantities are limited

No support is provided and this is why we are offering these to experienced users only: You still need these docs:

  1. Schematics:
  2. Pinout:

Happy holidays and stay tuned for more offers :slight_smile:

Im only a newbie but can FEZ be kind???

Meh, FEZBomb has been on the chat and I have seen plenty of good posts from him. He’s got my recommendation… Maybe it’ll help with his self navigating boat :wink:

Lets put it this way, if you are less than FEZ Junior and want one of those then still send an email with details on your FEZ experience (no support is provided to these boards) and tell us how you want to use this board.

We will try to do our best but can’t promise since higher ranks get higher priority :slight_smile:

Cheers Chris.

Looks much like a rhino. Cool 8)

Any left? I’ve been interfacing a FEZ Domino to a Propeller driven serial LCD display and the extra IO this board has would certainly help out.

I believe they are all gone already, sorry :frowning:

Bummer, I was gonna score one for a friend who has been suffering through the Arduino I gave him last Christmas :wink:

Who got one? Never got a reply on the mail?

Must be a surprise. :o

I guess so.
Oh btw Gus, could you reply to both my emails if you have time?
Afterwards I can place the order…

Thanks :wink:

Thank you :dance: :dance:

I didn’t get any emails from you!

Thank you GHI!

My first Win…lol

I hope I put it to good use and I hope to be more able to share what I have been up to lately… :slight_smile:

Mike in MN

I second that,

Very nice of you to send the gift!

Just sent another email via the ghielec email account. (subject: email for Gus)

Thanks! :wink:

Oh well. I snoozed so I lose :slight_smile: Thanks for the reply. BTW I really like the FEZ products. I do C# programming as a profession so I find the FEZ’s easy to work with.

Gus, will it ever be considered to put devSys to production (market)?

I really would like a board where is nothing that you dont need, and has everything to simply start and go. I even like layout of devSys, it will perfect fit in almost all my robotic applications.

I don’t like mini for its fancy connections. I don’t like domino cause it feels like i’m waisting those precious pins. The rhino is overcrouded (wiznet connection). And the cobra is too big for me.

Tho I like my panda very much.

I know those boards are only for startig, and I can make myself a board out of USBizi, but it’s easier to buy one from You.

Rimvis, the first post made this clear - the DevSys is a defunt product line now, it’s been replaced.

What you replace it with can vary - sounds like you should grab an EMX module and use that !

EMX module just can’t egzist on its own :wink: You still need to solder it to some board.

My point is, as a robotic hobyist I would like to see board with through hole connectors and bare minimum electronics. Like all sparkfun production. Just controller, crystal, USB, and maybe sd card. Panda meets this requirments but has 2 minuses - arduino layout (I still didn’t get how it become so popular) and no USB host support.

devSys is nearly perfect (I would like third line of IO pins near those 20pin lines), but I’ve never see that board before this thread.
I hope GHI has plans for that kind of board in a future (cross fingers).