Fezzers location Map

Hi all,

I started a google map where you can mark your location. I thought it would be nice to see where FEZ is used around the globe. Makes it also possible to get in touch with fellow fezzers in your neighborhood.

Just pinpoint your city.

Link: [url]http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=210779078092610270839.00049e93c438d55ffd66f[/url]


like the idea

Done. This looks promising…

Cheers Ian

Maybe GHI could add google pin feature to user accounts (optional of course) and then generate the same aggregated pin map but linked to the tinyclr menu ?

This sounds stupid, but how do I add my position? :-[ ???

Click on the EDIT button, then you see a toolbar with a pushpin appearing in the upper left corner of the map.
Click the pushpin and move it to your location. When done, click DONE button.

Robert… You need to login to google to edit!! If you haven’t got an account just register.

Cheers Ian

I have requested the exact same thing to be done on here, a location and a list of devices owned.
Also requested an profession field too. It is good to know someone’s experience when you answer their question. For a student, you make it simple; for a software developer, make it easy on hardware terms…etc.

This shouldn’t take long to be available as the main website changes are almost done.

Thank you, got my location pinned.
Didn’t know I had to click edit.

Pretty cool, several users in Europe 8)

This is very good. I like it.

Added. Nearly nobody in the central US, get in here Jeff!

Great idea!


OK, Chris. I added a pin to Rolla.

Great! I’m there!!! :smiley:

First one in Latin America…

I made a mistake and change the title, i dont remeber what it was so I put the forum title…

Sorry, I’m not used to google maps…

Yeah, you have changed the description as well.

Tried to fish it out of the cache, but couldn’t find it. No biggie I guess, Eric should be able to fix it.


though I like the avatars on the map, they cover too much of the map in order to stay useful.

Would you be so kind to change your avatar on the map back to one of the smaller push pins?

You can always add your avatar in the description of your location.

Thanks for your understanding.


I remember people complaining about this years Embedded World 2011 conference taking place in Nuremberg (Germany). Now you can see that it is a fair distance for most FEZers in Europe;)