Fezzers location Map

I’m on the map too, whoohoow :slight_smile:

I thought you somehow missed this post, glad you’re mapped now :wink:

I couldn’t move the Pin to the correct location from my Android tablet, so I had to wait until I got on that old fashioned thing called ‘Laptop’ :slight_smile:

It seems to me that Europe is in the lead, ju hu!!

Added mine. And will be moving in ten days.

I would like to suggest to make this one Sticky.

Or bug our web designers to make this an official feature on this website :slight_smile:

I don’t know about making it a feature. It can lead to a disaster - pages and pages of sticky posts before valid fresh regular posts.

First in France !!!

For those who may have missed this post…

Feel free to add yourself to the map.


Maybe having the map embedded in one of the TinyCLR.com page could be great also. Better then sticky!

Agree. Also this feature should be useful for GHI PR

@ Hullie [quote]Fez domino x 21[/quote] :o :o :o

What are you building, man?! ;D ;D