Fez Portal - available timers (Signal Control / PWM)

I have a question about timers and their availability, please fix me if I’m wrong:

  • Signal Control
    • SC20260.Timer.DigitalSignal.Controller2.PB3 - can be used? (PA15 from PWM Controller2 is used by display - does it use timer?)
    • SC20260.Timer.DigitalSignal.Controller5.PA0 - loosk like free (co other pin corresponded from PWM Controller 5 is used)
  • PWM
    • SC20260.Timer.Pwm.Controller1.PJ9 - is it free? PK1 from this group is used by display
    • SC20260.Timer.Pwm.Controller3.PC7 - free (no other pin from group use PWM)
    • SC20260.Timer.Pwm.Controller8.PI2 - free (no other pin from group use PWM - PB1 connected to buzzer but I will not use it)
    • SC20260.Timer.Pwm.Controller12.PH9 - free (no other pin from group use PWM)
    • SC20260.Timer.Pwm.Controller13.PF8 - free (no other pin from group use PWM)
    • SC20260.Timer.Pwm.Controller14.PF9 - free (no other pin from group use PWM)
    • SC20260.Timer.Pwm.Controller15.PE6 - free (no other pin from group use PWM)

I nead 2 Signal Control pins (read + write) and 6 PWM (independent and used in the same time).
Thanks for help.


Free or not free depend on how user them.

PK1 is Display G6, not pwm so even user use PK1 for display, doesn’t effect to pwm timer.

If user doesn’t need to dim display, user can use PA15 as GPIO then no effect to PWM timer.

Thanks a lot!