FEZ Cobra II and G120 reference design

FEZ Cobra II design is done and it is currently in prototyping and testing. This took much longer that we wanted due to our move to the new building http://www.tinyclr.com/forum/topic?id=8688

The new Cobra design is also the reference design for G120 Module. Developers can evaluate G120 using FEZ Cobra II.

We can’t release the schematics yet as we need to run full live testing, which will take one or 2 weeks. If you really need the files and you are willing to take on the risk of an untested design, feel free to contact us with details on your project Contact Us – GHI Electronics We highly recommend to wait one or two weeks.

FEZ Cobra II comes in 2 formats, with WiFi and without. The board hosts 6 Gadgeteer sockets, perfect for connecting display, relays and sensors, but still exposes plenty of IOs, just like the original Cobra. The price is expected to be much lower than the original FEZ Cobra. IF testing went well, expect availability by December.


Looks nice. Will it have actual G120 on a separate board similar to old Cobra or will it be same as G120HDR?

Edit: Nevermind

Definitely nice! My desktop background was in need of a good looking schematic.

even when it’s untested?

Nice board btw!

He likes to be on the bleeding edge. :slight_smile:

Looks great.

Educate a non-EE trying to learn PCB design, please. Why do you use the cross hatch ground plane instead of solid?

@ ianlee74 - good man for asking that question been wondering about that myself.

Less copper gives us more control in reflow oven.

And here I was thinking it was flux capacitance in the space time fabric…

There is some good info on Google as well:

@ Architect - cheers fella

This is awesome!

Schematic request has been sent.

The GHI timing fits well with our current EMX project, by the time that’s all up and running we can “switch” to the G120 and do some real time comparison in performance and stability.

The Cobra II would fit in that nicely. December, January, yes, fits great!

Keep us posted.

Cobra II ? I miss few things…
Where is LAN?
Is there only one USB Host connector?
What about USB Client connector?
What about RTC battery or capacitor?
Where is LCD connector(flat cable connector to use Cobra LCD’s)?

Funny. The number one answer there ended with…

I’ll trust Michael knows what he’s doing :wink:

They are all there :slight_smile:

Connect ENC28 Module the S socket http://www.ghielectronics.com/catalog/product/333
We may offer a version with built in Ethernet but for now it is an add on or WiFi

It was always one but we support hubs so you can connect 100 devices if you want.

It is there! Exactly same location as original Cobra

This can be added by you. The needed pins are exposed.

We use IDC connectors now instead. We already offer 7" display with capacitive touch and 3.5" with resistive touch.

I noticed in the reference design PCB picture that there are traces and vias under the G120 module. I few weeks ago I asked if this was acceptable and the answer was basically no. Has this changed?


The answer was, it is not recommended. Make sure you have all your traces and vias masked off.

Does this look awesome or what!

Very nice! I just got a bunch of new goodies today, so I am in a buying mood :slight_smile: