I know I am not the only one that is having problems with the USB connection (tinybooter, loader, debug) with the new SDK 4.2. I had Spider working well with the previous version (it was awesome) and then I bought a Cerebus, which required me to update to 4.2. Now, I can’t get anything to connect or be recognized by either 64 bit Windows 7 or the provided bootloader (Updater). There are too many options (USB drivers, old, tinybooter, loader, manual updater, board switch settings) and I have installed, uninstalled, over and over. Was this ever tested on a similar platform? I am dead in the water. You went from an awesome product to the most frustrating $#@ overnight. PLEASE help. Also, it would be great if there was a way to sort forum issues by date - maybe there is, it just isn’t obvious to me.
@ jayc - Sorry to hear you are having issues, i had the same with my bee.
Have you tried a powered USB 2 hub, there seems to be alot of USB 3 issues…
Let me clarify - I am using the USB connection directly from my laptop where Panda, Domino and Cerebus were all working fine before the update.
Try to reinstall USB driver manually and use different USB port to connect after that
@ jayc - yes, the same for me with spider, running happily.
With the latest an greatest it seems something is not happy with by the looks of it USB 3 (on my laptop)
Connecting a USB 2 powered hub fixed it in my case.
Mr Architect - I have already tried that - the com port is not recognized in terraterm. Please - it would really be helpfull if I don’t get a million “try this, try that” responses unless you can duplicate the issue and duplicate the solution. Also, as far as I know I have 2 USB’s version 2 on my laptop and of course I have tried both. If it used to work before the update and it doesn’t now kinda hint at maybe the problem is the update? I now have hundreds of dollars invested and I would like to resolve this quickly, because it causing me many many non-billable man hours. I would love to reinstall and go back but all the components don’t seem to be available and my Cerebus won’t work. I was so happy with the concept when it did work with the 4.1 and the Spider I thought I was dealing with a really solid product. I should never have bought the Cerebus when 4.2 was all that was available for it (was it noted anywhere?). I know that there are often issues with new versions and I know I’m sounding pissed, but I just wish this was tested a little more thoroughly before release. Maybe the best thing at this point is to trade in my Cerebus and Spider for already updated ones. Could you do that? At least I could move forward until fixes are found. Thanks GHI team - it is going to be a great product!!!
@ jayc - I had the exact issues as you.
I also resolved it on another pc by doing a clean install of windows 8 and VS and only installed the latest SDK and not 4.1
It has always been noted on the site that Cerberus needed 4.2 to workk.
Hope you get it sorted asap.
Most of the people answering questions on the forum do not have the time to try to duplicate every perceived problem. From experience, 90% of the asked problem questions can be remedied by a “try this, try that” suggestion. Hot under the collar statements, such as yours, usually chases people away, rather than resulting in increased focus on your problem.
Mellow always works better.
My point here is not to get people upset but to figure out what went wrong.
Thank you Justin for acknowledging a similar problem and trying to help. I’m sure you understand my frustration.
However - your point about 4.2 always being a requirement - here is what I found about Cerebus in the catalog:
•Software/Hardware features includes but not limited to:
◦.NET Micro Framework 4.2 (supporting C# and Visual Basic)
to me that means it is capable of the new awesone 4.2, but not limited to it.
Sorry for the strict interpretation and I’m sorry Mike if I am not mellow enough. I really am trying, but I don’t understand how this works - GHI makes and sells the boards and the software is community produced. Does that mean the responsibility for this working or not is not GHI but the community? I was hoping GHI would test and validate the package (software, hardware, Windows compatibility) before it was shipped. That is what I thought would be the process for any hardware, but I am getting the sense now that this is all alpha and it is up to us (the community). I’m OK with that, as long as there is a way to go back to the previous version. There doesn’t seem to me that GHI has put that option on their website or a way to remove old windows settings. That would be really nice. Other than Justin’s suggestion of a new clean PC, new install of Visual Studio, new SDK installs, is there anything I could do at this point? I suggested that GHI swap out my boards for ones with the correct firmware installed, but no response yet. Is this the right place to ask this question? Are any of the respondants GHI people? Would I appear more mellow if I put in a smiley face?
Mr jayc, when you tried that did you force the files to be removed completely.
I had a similar issue recently with EMX. I had to delete the driver withc checkbox selected so all the files are gone. Then I have connected my EMX to a different port and after that I had to manually install the driver for “Unrecongnized” device in the device manager.
4.2 definately works with a spider and 64bit win7, however if you are having difficulty and it is costing you non billable vaulable man hours then i assume your use is commercial if thats the case then there is always the option to roll back to 4.1 for now. which will take no more than 10 minutes to do.
did you install everything in the order stated in the relse post found here ?
Thank you mr architect. I think I should try deleting the files like you said, but how? When I go into the device manager, I only see “True Port Serial Port (COM1)” under Ports. Where are the files and the check box you are refering to?
Open DeviceManager and look at the entry that appears there when you connect the device. Then you should be able to get to the properties of that entry and uninstall/delete the driver.
Thanks again Mr Architect. I see now what you are talking about. The EMX updater has a lot more options than the Spider updater. The big problem is that when I connect the spider or the cerebus to the USB, the device manager shows no update, there is no connection sound and it is as if there is no device being connected. This happens when the Spider switches are all up or all down. The Cerebus of course has no switches. Somehow, my computer no longer recognizes it as a USB device.
Is the power led lit up when you connect the device?
Also try to click Action->Scan for hardware changes in the Device Manager after you have connected the device.
Are there any forum entries on USB3 issues with QFE2? We seem to have problems with USB3 ports as well with our Mountaineer boards, and I would like to know whether this also happens on other boards.
@ Cuno - bee and USB 3 has been a problem for me and I’m pretty sure for quite a few others.
I don’t think there is a definative post with the holy grail on it tho.
@ Cuno- Not sure if this is relevant but…
My two systems had a clean install of Windows 8, VS2010 Ultimate and only the latest 4.2 SDK…
Hardware: Spider and Cerbuino - need to save some pennys to get your kit to test.
Unhappy laptop
Dell XPS 15z - couldn’t update firmware, wont deploy etc, was working fine with the first 4.2 SDK
Happy slate
Samsung Series 7
Notice from the screen shots the USB appear the same apart from the Renesas USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller.
Perhaps a list of happy vs no happy might help track the issue down?
@ jayc - Have you installed on your PC the Vmware Workstation ?
I see there are issues with USB 3.0, but I think it is USB in general, since I have USB 2.0. It could be a laptop issue with limited power (I’ve had a similar problem a long time ago) but why would the new SDK cause a change in the power requirements? It all worked fine before the update. Sounds like a question for an electronics techie.