To answer some previous posts - I do not have VMWare installed and the LED is lit on the USBClientDP board and on the Spider, but neither blink.
@ jayc – Ok… so I’ve no suggestion. I see a problem with Vmware USB Arbitrator service. This service set in “Unknow USB device” the Debugger USB peripherals, FEZ Hydra more than the others board.
I agree with you that a new SDK install on a PC that used to work, would be likely to cause a power issue. But it is possible that you’re on the edge of the power requirements, or the new driver causes sufficient power to push things over the edge.
I’m happy to try to help if you want to send me a Windows Remote Assistance request (my address is brett_pound@ ) I’m in GMT+10 Australia so it’s approaching 8:30pm right now as I post this, I’ll probably be around for another 1.5-2 hrs. What I would want to test out is what the behaviour in device manager is when you connect the Spider in normal “run” mode (I don’t have a Spider so not sure what the switch setting card calls this), then what it shows in boot loader mode etc.
Thanks Brett. There are no changes in the Device manager when the spider is plugged in in any mode. I added USB drivers manually and they show up in the DM. One is the GHI Bootloader ( under Ports) and the other is the GHI Debugging Interface. Both say they are not working.
Next step, remove the drivers. Make sure you delete the files. Reboot to make sure this has taken effect.
Then, with sound on, connect the Fez. Do you hear the USB-device-connected sound? If not, something fundamental is wrong because the USB stack has to enumerate at that point. Check you have the USB power module connected to the correct socket on your Spider. Check that there are no bent pins on the socket and swap the DP to Spider cable.
What removing the driver files should do is it should explicitly allow Windows to say hey this device needs a driver, and pop up the “installing driver” dialog. Click that to see what it shows, as it shows it. We’ll also want to check the event log to see what else is going on.
As a fallback, do you have the older version of the SDK? If so, have you considered going back to that? I still think you will need the driver issue resolved, so don’t jump down that path yet.