Completing the NETMF 4.2 SDK and moving towards NETMF 4.3!


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That is funny… We need to beat the timer now


Can you be more descriptive what these major changes are?

This is very good news, and I hope “few days” does not stretch over several months :slight_smile:

Well, if weeks are month, then days are … minutes? :whistle:

And if days are months, woman will bleed to dead and i have a paycheck every day :wink:

Few days… and yet another week has passed ::slight_smile:

When I look at your countdown: 4 days ++
And it gets one second more time available per second.

(looks like it can’t display negative time :wall:


Are you ready?


Bring it in!!!

It’s out! ;D

I know… But let’s focus on the good stuff now :wink:

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