I’d back at 2x the $65 level but the pricing for the additional levels seem a bit off unless you’re more interested in pushing people to buy single units? (OK, I did back it, but please adjust the pricing )
my point is, it’s actually a worse deal. $65 for super early bird, 1x unit. Ordering 2x unit at super early bird rate should be no worse than 2x the single unit cost. I’m not saying it should give me a bigger discount, but it shouldn’t make me pay a penalty, and $160 for two is a substantial penalty. If I wanted two, I could buy one myself and get my wife to order another one at the $65 price, and we’d be $30 better off. (but note, I want this to succeed so I backed it at $160 anyway).
Anthony did mention in one of the comments to backers that they had adjusted shipping costs before release, I suspect that this may have also been related to reward pricing adjustments and was perhaps missed.
@ anthonys - Great to see a local (we are in Geelong) and fellow RMIT alumni here. Good luck with the Kickstarter, I’ve just backed for a couple of your boards.
Your project reminds me of a much simpler one we did back in 1998, in the early days of the mass-market internet rollout.
There was an ISP located in the building next to our factory, set up with racks of dedicated modems, one per customer. They had a problem where occasionally a server or modem would lock up, requiring them to drive in to town and reset it, at any time of the day or night.
We designed and built a similar looking smart power-board for them, with an 8051 micro controlling each outlet, with on/off/reset/watchdog capability and remote (dial-in/serial) control, and graphical (VB) interface to make things easy for them.
In return they let us drill through the brick/concrete wall between our buildings and run a cable into their high-speed internet feed. ;D