Code Donation

@ Reinhard Ostermeier - Ok cool, resharp everything and then we’ll se again :slight_smile: Since I’m using this library anyway, I’d like to contribute somehow, too…

@ Simon from Vilnius - everyone is welcome do hunt down bugs and send the fix to me: osre at aarpg dot net
At the beginning I will no grant write access to anyone. If someone proofes worthy, I might rethink this from case to case :wink:

Yes, please keep namespacing as is.

I have created a special label called ‘discussion’ in the issues section on GitHub:

Just create a new issue with this label for general chat about the project.
By this I want to avid ‘spamming’ around at the GHI forum.
I will monitor this in the same kind of way as I do it here.

@ Skewworks - you could add a post to your Tinkr and Clix forum so anyone knows where to find code and help by now.

The Easter Bunny made an early stop at my house and left me this.

Lets start testing now :dance:


Is the same Easter Bunny near me??? :smiley:

Just connected my CP7 and some other modules to my Raptor and made a simple CLix application.

Now I have a

  • (semi) live image from SerCam
  • Mouse pointer controlled by joystick
  • and a working CP7 Home button

Clix/Tinkr is quite easy to use when you know what is possible and you jump into the code at some points.
But that’s the problem users currently have with Tinkr I think.
I hope I can make it that easy as this for others as well.


I have just finished the 1st Tinkr/Clix tutorial.
Go to the Wiki on GitHub

then ‘Tutorials’.
More will follow.
Please let me know if you like this kind of tutorials (it’s targeted to absolute beginners) or what you would make different.


@ Reinhard Ostermeier - just getting people up and running - and deoying their first projects on real hardware is great help!

@ Reinhard Ostermeier - realy helpfully for beginners.
easy and step by step.
warning before beginners trap’s (5.1 Spawn a new thread for the prompt…)

And easy to read for not native speaking ;D

Great outline. Go for it!

An early version of the new API documentation is online.
Only the core library is included so far.
There is an online html and an offline chm version.
Check out the wiki for links to it.

Finally got some time to do some Gadgeteering at home.

Got Tinkr sources up and running on the Raptor with T43 display. Time to do some more digging on the sources ;D

The sources will change at some places.
While adding the api comments I find duplicate code at several classes, which can often be easily solved by moving the code into the base class.
Inheritance is currently not as good as it would be possible.
I also get a lot of ideas I would do different when it gets to a Tinkr3.

I’ve said the same things many times working on my own code :smiley:

Me too, but at the same time never regretted finally doing it… :clap:

I have no doubt that’s true. Glad to see Tinkr getting the attention it deserves. Thank you again for taking the lead on getting it open sourced, documented and top notch!


@ Skewworks - Have you thought about putting some notify in your forum?
So far I had one or two reported bugs.
I also saw that it’s still in your online shop.

As the Skeworks website has now in a state of renewal, the Visual Design Studio app can’t be found. Do you have this and could you post a link to it?

I know there was a link to it posted to me in the forum but I can’t seem to find it.

@ Dave McLaughlin - I think I have downloaded the sources a while ago at home.
I think I can upload it this evening (CET)