Being now retired I have now more to time to ‘play’ with my GHI Boards.
Everything was working fine so far.
Unfortunately since this morning, I am not able anymore to connect to the SC20260D board
Got this message while trying to deploy the app: one error has occurred, please check your hardware
I have no problem with the SC20100 or any other GHI board (Feather, FEZ Portal, Flea, Fez …
I use a power USB hub + dedicated PS for the SC200260. Already tried with another cable
Nothing plugged on the board, no display
I opened TinyCLR Config got USB 3 and 4 listed.
I tried to connect with both, but TinyCLR got frozen
I removed the display, reseat the module and retried but no luck
I always got the message USB Not recognized
Rebooted several times and finally got
COM3 - COM4 and COM7 (GHI Electronics)
I selected COM7, got it connected but showing a firmware 2.1 (while is installed
Updated the firmware successfully to but could not reconnect the board after disconnecting.
Showing again only COM3 - COM4
The Device Manager shows the device as unknown
Should I consider the board or DIMM module as defective ?
Any hints ?