Cannot load the Firmware on the G120E

I need some help to load the NETMF Firmware on the G120E. Some feedback: one of our product uses your EMX board. It runs a NETMF application that was built with the GHI Premium NETMF v4.2 SDK. We now need to replace the EMX with the G120E. We want to keep using NETMF because porting our existing NETMF application to TinyCLR would delay our project. I flashed the TinyBooter on the G120E using TeraTerm (“C:\Program Files (x86)\GHI Electronics\GHI Premium NETMF v4.2 SDK\G120\Firmware\TinyBooter\G120_TinyBooter.GHI”). After rebooting the G120E, it does not show up as a USB device in the Device Manager, and I cannot proceed to flash the NETMF Firmware on the G120.

Any suggestions on how to set up the G120E?
Thank you.

You’re unlikely to find support for the G120E in the 4.2 SDKs. At a minimum you will need to use the last released 4.3 SDK via NETMF Downloads and start from there. Come back and report what is different after doing that.


I flashed the G120E with the bootloader and firmware from SDK 4.3. The next step is to port our existing Visual Studio project and code from SDK 4.2 to SDK 4.3. In addition to updating the SDK DLLs to 4.3, do I also need to update the NETMF (i.e.: Microsoft.SPOT.*) DLLs to 4.3?


the best way to port code over is to copy and paste files into a new project and add the references you need, so that you get none of the legacy SDK components leaking into your project. You can rip-and-replace bits but you may have more problems… given you already have SDK versioning issues you should start new projects and copy code over, once you get the rest of your environment sorted out ready…

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Recreating the project resolved the error, thanks.