Calling on the community for offering a Low-cost wifi option

So the Cerb’s Gadgeteer socket’s 5V is not ok for use with it? I bought one of these modules last week.

@ mhectorgato - Wait, what did you buy? The Adafruit board? Yeah, I didn’t try the onboard 5V from the CerbuinoBee. This chip uses a lot of power, so I didn’t even think to power it from the CerbuinoBee. I know my external regulator got quite hot from trying to power the thing. There’s a decent chance that the CerbuinoBee can power it though… maybe someone should look at the specs though…

Oh, and when you get your module, let me know whether you got the old or new chip.

I just got one from Adafruit and it is like the one on the left(GHI board).does that mean i am going to have a hard time updating the firmware?

Yeah – it’s the Adafruit breakout board.

I got it on Friday, but haven’t touched it yet. I’ll take a photo.

Valkyrie just made Hack-a-Day!

Way to go!

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Congrats Valkyrie!!

There’s even a plug in there for GHI’s forthcoming module.

Thanks guys. I’m really excited about the cc3000 wifi. I really think this is a huge enabler for connecting embedded devices!


Adafruit blogged it as well.

[quote]If you want to use a CC3000 WiFi module with your Netduino (or any other microcontroller running the .NET Micro Framework), you may be interested in the CC3000 Managed Driver for .NET Micro Framework.

[quote]This is a C# managed driver for the CC3000 Wifi adapter.

CC3000 Managed Driver for .NET MicroFramework is a 100% managed Wrapper for the SPI commands necessary to control the Texas Instruments CC3000 Wifi adapter

The purpose of this driver is to empower the C# developer to debug and add advanced networking features without having to change the firmware or learn C++ (similar to that of mIP). Since this is targeted to embedded devices, this library strives to use a minimal memory footprint. Also, the classes and methods MUST be simple and obvious to use and the critical public methods will be commented properly to allow for proper intellisense.[/quote]

There is already a working webserver and Internet time demo, so check out the project on Codeplex.[/quote]

It’s the new chip with the FCC markings.

Someone please delete the account for ciciswift as this person is only posting unintelligible posts and SPAM.

@ Gus. Porting the firmware patch code is probably non-trivial but do-able. [/quote]

Good news. It was definitely do-able. I have successfully written my own C# managed firmware patcher for the cc3000. No TI boards necessary. And, since the patch is passed as a byte array, it could easily be done over the air as long as you have the RAM or Flash to store the patch. I have not published it yet to codeplex because I want to limit availability until a few others report that it works. I have upgraded 4 or 5 cc3000 devices and bricked 1. The bricked one was the first try and I wrote a new File allocation table with an offset that was off by 2 bytes. I have since found that the FAT re-writing is not necessary, so the current version is much safer.

Anyway, if someone wants to try it, let me know.

Volunteers? Can anyone record SPI with an oscilloscope?

Have a logic analyser at my disposal I can capture waveforms with if you like?

i’ll give the firmware update a shot

I’ve got the newer one (FCC markings) - iirc, it doesn’t need a FW update. If it does need one, I’ll try it out - because the likelihood of me getting a TI board for this is next to nil.

We have couple for those wanting to help in stock. only $20, which is below our prototyping cost.

@ Valkyrie-MT
i got 2 boards that need the update. one from adafruit and 1 from GHI. I’m willing to test the firmware update code and test out the wifi code also.
I also have a logic analyzer that can capture spi.

Count me in for upgrade testing. Valkyrie-MT, Is there anything that you still need ?


I don’t want 10 people to brick their devices if there is a problem, so we’re gonna do this one at a time. I have someone testing the firmware patcher now. Once I get a thumbs up, I’ll give it to someone else… If we don’t have anyone brick it, I’ll publish it for everyone.

@ Valkyrie-MT - Do the ones with the FCC markings need the update? I was under the impression that they were current.