Beginner guide book is done and we are ready for translations

Thanks Bec

I see this fix in the ebook but I still don’t think the example code will work because this line;

// Check debug interface
if (Configuration.DebugInterface.GetCurrent() == Configuration.DebugInterface.Port.USB1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Current debug interface is USB. It must be changed to something else before proceeding. Refer to your platform user manual to change the debug interface.");

is the first thing executed and the exception will be thrown.


Thanks. It is fixed now.

Dutch is done.

nice work, 1000 points were added

“Managed Drivers” page of the book talks about “Register”. Shouldn’t we name it differently?

Name what differently, “register”?

This is a standard name in processors datasheet. This is not a GHI specific name

I mean the section is named “Managed Drivers”, but it talks about how to use the register class.

“Managed Drivers” is confusing in my opinion.

Yes, you are writing a processor-registers driver in managed code right?

Ok, I guess.

Do you mind if I change example a little bit?

  • Will move code to “PulseCounter” class
  • The class will have “Reset” method and “Pulses” property
  • Usage example

I can update all translated pages as well.

Yes please but test the modified code to make sure it is working.

Ok, I have just realized that example is for cobra. I will do the change later after I get cobra to make sure it works. Sorry for the confusion.

You mean you’re offering a $50 coupon for a new portuguese translation?

Yes $50 just to move the translation from the pdf to the wiki. plus 1000 experience points.

Hello. I fulfill transfer of a manual into Russian. I have translated FEZ_Broch.pdf [url][/url] , to download to the address: the Russian language [url][/url] . Has translated Broch_FEZ_Domino.pdf, I will publish on Also I will give in format PDF.

I have published FEZ Domino Broch_FEZ_Domino_Rus.pdf in Russian.
Link: [url] . In format PDF link [url][/url] .

Very nice. Are you going to help in the book too?

Yes. I will help further. Has translated into Russian FEZ_Tutorial, but in a format ms word. I will soon publish FEZ_Tutorial. I will translate Further Beginners guide to NETMF. I will describe explicitly standards UART, SPI, I2C, One Wire.
Then I will make learning course on net micro framework with FEZ Domino.

That is great Anton!

Welcome to the forum as well!

I have started Russian translation some time ago and I have some work in progress as well. When you will work on the guide, please put a line on this page:

Just “claim” what section you are translating so we do not step on each others toes :wink:

Something like:

[italic]Anton - Working on section F.[/italic]

Respected Architect FEZ Master. Tell please why then pages in English, instead of in Russian?
Замечательно. Почему тогда страницы на английском языке, и не переведенны?

USB хост

There is almost always confusion between USB host and USB device. --???