Azure IoT Hub - A new Azure Service, Discovered today in the preview portal

If the ESP8266, which is probably equivalent to an M0, can handle TLS and the wi-fi protocol I should be able to find an equivalent solution using and ENC28 and M0, or the WIZ5500. Actually as I type this the Wiznet W7500 is an M0 core and TCP/IP core in hardware.
I am a bit surprised that they didn’t incorporate TLS in hardware. It does include a RNG so maybe they will develop the necessary libraries. The W7500P is exactly what I need, but its not available yet. (W7500 is M0 and TCP/IP core, no PHY. W7500P includes the PHY, all in a 64TQFP.)

@ andre.m - It’s OK, desktop .NET didn’t support TLS 1.1 until 4.5 in August of 2012…

Here is a nice and short explanation of the differences between SSL and TLS:

[url]Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

And here is the RFC for TLS 1.0


Of course not; the point is that even though 1.1 and 1.2 have existed for a long time, they weren’t nearly as widely supported as they should have been; Java didn’t support 1.1 or 1.2 until Java SE 7 in July 2011. .NET desktop didn’t support 1.1 or 1.2 until August of 2012. OpenSSL didn’t support 1.1 or 1.2 until March of 2012.

There’s no real point in calling out a single implementation. None of them kept up with the standards.

By the way, what version of OpenSSL is used in GHI’s products?

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If you want the Azure IoT Hub Client to be available for NetMF as well, vote here:

[url]Page Not Found


@ andre.m - Thanks :slight_smile: I hope many others will do it as well.


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@ skeller - Thanks for your vote :slight_smile:

Done, they better get on it.

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@ terrence - Thanks for your vote :slight_smile:

@ AWSOMEDEVSIGNER - done (since I was the one that opened the suggestion :smiley: ) also, someone has just opened a pr with netmf http support. They are still working on getting amqp working :dance:


@ networkfusion - Yeah, I saw it on GitHub yesterday (the link to your suggestion) and I saw the PR as well :slight_smile: Great to see progress in this area.

@ AWSOMEDEVSIGNER - Oops, didn’t watch this topic :wall: But you’ve got my vote now !!

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@ .Peter. - Awesome! Thank you Peter :slight_smile:

Note that Amazon launched their own IoT hub yesterday: Amazon Launches AWS IoT -- A Platform For Building, Managing And Analyzing The Internet Of Things • TechCrunch

@ AWSOMEDEVSIGNER - You should start a new topic “Vote for netmf support in IOT hub”. Many people may not be following this topic and won’t know to go and vote.

I voted yes because everyone else seemed to be… :whistle:

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@ Gary - Thanks for your vote Gary :slight_smile:

I am trying to follow the tutorial here:

I can create the device in the registry fine without any issues with both the Device Explorer and through the code in the tutorial.
But when I try the part for “Receive device-to-cloud messages” I get the following error:

I get it when trying to "GetRuntimeInformation().

I have tried it with both the free and paid tiers. 

I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. Any help will be appreciated.

@ AWSOMEDEVSIGNER - I was the one that sent the PR with the .NETMF HTTP port of the SDK.
Still working on the AMQP port.

I too was ‘shocked’ when I realised that - again - they’ve left out their own platform that is in better shape to be used as a truly IoT device (specially in real world products).
Found that so outrageous to .NETMF - and I had nothing better to do! :wink: - that I decided to take matters on my own hands and did the port of the SDK.
Please do vote on the user voice topic to show the IoT team that there is a lot of interest from the .NETMF community.