Argon R1 - A New Gadgeteer Mainboard

Side note - my Avatar is not changing when I upload a Gif in Modify Profile. Is this a bug?

@ James@ Love, no it just takes time - and often you need to log out and log back in and then all is good… And I haven’t said so but welcome to the community, and well done on the upcoming launch !

@ Brett

Ah! Thank you very much for the welcome and info.

Yeah, I’ve been using several GCC compilers for different MCUs. Was not sure about the licensing of the Crossworks IDE. It does look good though. It is not Eclipse based I hope :wink:

For avatar try jpg and then log out from the forum and log in back.

Edit: Got a phone call while replying and didn’t see Brett’s reply. :wink:

@ Architect

JPG seems to have done it, thank you.

I have only tried with Crossworks, but any GCC compiler should do. Crossworks really is an excellent IDE. No it is not Eclipse nor Java based :smiley:

Speaking of Crossworks IDE and PK. How well does it work with MSBuild?

That is a task for the coming weeks :wink:

I see. That would make a very nice tutorial/blog post. :wink:

I am dreading that step a bit, only because of all the separate build files that must be put in each directory!

It is quite difficult to debug when it is build in this manner, that is why I have used Crossworks thus far.

Maybe it would be easier to develop an MSBuild builder for Eclipse?

Not a big fan of Eclipse to be honest.

Me either, but unless someone is going to write a GDB plugin for VS, it’s the best option I know of.

There actually IS a GDB plugin for VS, I believe, but it’s not free:


I really tried to like it. I mean, I generally like open source. But wow, what a load. I tried it this past fall and hated it. I tried it for a while too. Yuck.

Oh, and it is built on Java, which I had successfully purged from my system as the single largest source of security holes and drive-by trojan vectors. Blegh.

I’m not a Visual Studio bigot, but neither am I a fan of minimalism like vim, but holy crap, there has to be something better than eclipse.


Well, there is. It’s called IntelliJ IDEA. Still not Visual Studio, though.

Amy showed us an in-depth run-through of VS12. Wow, that’s an amazing piece of work. Kudos to that team. VS has always been the standard to beat, and it’s still moving forward in big ways.

I didn’t read the whole discussion, but i’m sure you guys have heard of SharpDevelop (opensource)? ICSharpCode · GitHub

I am very surprised to hear that a few of you dont like it this much.
I have been using Netburners tools for over 10 years now. They switched to Eclipse some many years ago. Until then i never even heard about Eclipse, and when i looked into it and found out it used Java i was mad because back in the day Java was slow as hell and caused all kinds of problems.
When i installed the new tool set i was surprised on how fast it ran. If i did not learn it was Java based i would not even know it. Its very fast, never caused my system one lick of trouble all these years and IMHO its one of the best dam editors around. Has so many built in features that i use all the time.

Maybe Netburner tailored its usage differently that some kind of general download you get from Eclipse. I just can see anyone having any dislike with it.

@ jdal - I know my personal dislike of Eclipse really comes more from the fact that it’s what I would consider “average” when compared to Visual Studio. I’ve used it on many occasions and we generally get along. However, it always feels like I’m taking a five year step back in time. Visual Studio has me spoiled. I get the same experience when I have to use Open Office instead of MS Office.

@ ianlee74 - I agree with you. I have not used or seen anything better that could compare to VS :wink:

You want a real flashback. Yesterday i was talking with Lantronix about using their new xPico device.
They have a free software dev kit for it to customize its firmware for your own use.
I was like awesome! but after i singed the NDA and received the information i have to use Borland C v5.2.
I was like NO FREAKING WAY! who the heck would even dare use that old DOS app anymore.
I just dont know if i can deal with that crap anymore, now that i am so pampered with VS and modern style GUI compilers and editors.
Such a disappointment…

:o :o :o

Doesn’t inspire confidence in the companies products when they require software from ancient history to work with it.