30% Off Site-Wide And More!

So now the YEAREND2013 coupon has expire ? Even though its still not the end of the year ?

@ DanW - That promotion expired at midnight on the 12-23.

I see. The date isn’t detailed in the promotional email I received regarding this offer so I wrongly assumed. My mistake.

@ DanW - Let me check into it and I will email you shortly.

Yea, that caught me too as end of the year sale made me think I had until Dec 31st… Got some of my order in before it expired though.

That’s great. Thank you :wink:

The naming caught me off guard as well, but I managed to get an order in just in time so there is a bucket of goodies on it way to me, now to figure out how to sneak it by the gate guard as I’m supposed to be working on something else at the moment but Gadgeteer is just way too much fun I can’t help myself, I gotta ‘create something cool’ monkey on my back and he is wearing a Fez, must obey the Fez.

The other thing which I must admit helped cross my wires on this was Mike’s contest ( https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/forum/topic?id=14376&page=1 ) as he picked his closing date with the idea that the prize could also take advantage of the 30% sale, so I wasn’t the only dude who was a tad confused about the sale name and ending date.

@ Duke Nukem - I didn’t catch that when I read the contest the first time or I would have pointed it out then. Sorry about the confusion, in my brilliant mind, it all made sense :O. I use the term brilliant loosely!

hi Gary

originally I had a later end date to the contest, but I changed it to an earlier date so the winner could take advantage of the sale. I guess I made the same year end assumption.

Unverified assumptions always get me in trouble. :-[

my law firm McCann, Hertz and Howe will be in touch. :smiley:

@ Mike - The date of your contest just didn’t register when I read it the first time. And who knew the whole time when my wife complained I didn’t listen, she was right!

@ Gary - What did you say?


@ Mike - exactly

Does this 30% offer not end by the end of the year ?

I try to place a big order ?

Or am I missing something. Does your code not work anymore ?

@ HKOCH - The sale ended on 12/23.

But the banner is still there without an end date ? Then can I propose that you take that off? :-/ What about the free shipping. Has this also ended ?

Can you maybe suppy a discount code more ?

You can still see the banner? The banner was removed on Tuesday. The free shipping was part of the promotion.

I see the banner too and it shows 70% off.

@ Architect - Stop trying to cause trouble Mr. Architect! 8)

Ok, ok. I don’t see any banners :frowning:

I point out an issue from the web page and find your reply very immature!

Have a nice day Architect