Yet Another Sandwich

The struggle is real with these powerStep01 boards. If anyone is keeping track, this is the seventh iteration. Oddly enough my plans now call for at least 7 steppers! Onward and upwards.

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OMG what are the 7 steppers for?

Pfftt Dude. I’m trying to invent a novel 3d printer here to compete with all these other companies. After looking around the market place I’ve determined that my offering is “too little to late”, and over priced.

So now striving to develop a new printer that has a nozzle that has an additional 3 degrees of freedom. Pushing my stepper motor count up from 4 to 7.

Kinda like this person’s but there is a more novel way move the nozzle.

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Oh nice! Guinness record?

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Oh I forgot to say why the new sandwich. I found out that these boards require the OSCIN signal in order to be synchronized. They fall out of sync super fast without it. Problem is that those pins are not broken out to any of the connectors, just some unpopulated pads. So now I had to solder a wire to the pad to the connector so that they can all share the same clock source.

EDIT: All wired up and ready to cause problems lol.

7 degrees? Any what would they be? X, Y, Z and …

Are you going to tilt the extruder?

**** Oooops…

Just saw the video. I guessed it right. :slight_smile:

Are there existing slicers/tool-path calculators that can be adapted to the particular kinematics of your machine? Just curious whether that’s a solved problem or a future mountain to be climbed.

What is the advantage of using powerStep01 vs an isolated servo driver like this one


People are experimenting. Teaching Tech tried it earlier this year.

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The powerStep01 is better because the integrated microcontroller (just like in the L6470) performs the precise timing calculations needs to properly drive steps as opposed to trying to shoehorn a non RTOS into generating steps. Also the power Step01 has both Voltage and Current Mode driving which gives the implementer more options. The price isn’t bad either.

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What a day, what a glorious day. 7 drivers all detected and operating in sync.

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I want to see 7 steppers moving :grin:

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Steppers not strippers… What are you drinking? Oh I see step dancers :joy::joy::joy:


I’d need to find 7 steppers that don’t overload my power supply first. I only have 4 currently.

I found seven steppers. I’ll show proof of work later.


Just for Gus I pulled stuff out of storage, sat down crimped wires, hooked up connectors, modified code all for…

I don’t have G-Code to run 7 axis anything yet; only 3 + 1 (extruder). Getting there though.


Now we were talking.