Xbee issues

…although actually, on further testing, I seem to have discovered that the Spider xbee module only fires its DataReceived event when it’s debugging over USB, if I power it without debugging (whether via the USB cable used when debugging, or via 9v battery), whilst the rest of the program is running fine, the DataReceived event is not being triggered. I believe the actual link between xbees is OK, because I can see a light come on at the xbee module when I’m sending input from the Cerbuino + xbee, it just doesn’t go anywhere. Restarts & reboots don’t help - and yet if I change nothing except for hitting ‘play’ in C# Express, so that it gets re-deployed and run in debugging, it works fine and the handler gets triggered. The Spider project is 4.1, the Cerbuino project is 4.2, both firmwares reflashed as of yesterday’s SDK.

@ RorschachUK - does the 4.2 datareceived event fire outside of debug? I can’t test the new goodies until tomorrow as the hardware is at the office.

Both send and receive work fine for me on COM1 (both in debug and without)


It’s the Spider I was having trouble with, though.

@ RorschachUK - Yeah was wondering about that, still no joy?

No - sprinkled in some Try/Catch blocks, explicitly initialised both sides to 9600,N,8,1, logged in detail to OLED display via code adapted from mhectorgato’s T35 scrolling debug window, and I can see the lights on the receiving Xbee module on the Spider light up when the Cerbuino sends. But no event fires, no exception is triggered, unless I’m debugging. Might try adding a periodic timer to see if there’s anything appearing in BytesToRead, but won’t get chance till much later.

@ RorschachUK - i can try updating my Cobra tomorrow and see if that works if that helps the cause.