Windows/Galileo on Devices ECG

[quote]Recently, I have been playing with a Cooking Hacks e-Health Sensor Platform V2.0. It is an Arduino shield that allows a bunch of health sensors to be plugged in.

I have the shield as well as the pulsixometer and ECG sensor, which I am able to work with on the Arduino, and thought that I’d give it a try on the Windows Galileo board. To start, I downloaded the library for the e-Health Sensor Platform for Galileo - this is a library for a standard Galileo, not a Windows one, but would be a good place to start. I had a look at the source for the library and found that the pulsixometer doesn’t exist (which is not surprising as the implementation of the pulsixometer is poor - it reads led’s rather than getting integer values). The ECG API was simply a small calculation made on an analogue read. Even as a .net developer who has managed to avoid C++, I was able to implement it quite easily. All that the e-Sensor does is convert the ECG reading into a voltage from 0 to 5 volts to build the waveform.


Interesting, as in: you might want to give it a go?

@ Duke Nukem -
Interesting! Does this ECG sensor give an acceptable signal quality. Usually it is not so easy to achieve this. It’s a signal in the range of 0,05 to 3 mVolt in a noisy environment of muscle potentials and 50 or 60 Hz mains voltage?
I’m sorry that I can only give a link to this article in german,

@ RoSchmi mein Deutsch ist nicht schlecht, vor allem, wenn ich Bing.

I would have similar concerns about this and hence my interest in both what are folks doing with Galileo and with the bio sensors as they tend to frustrate the hell out of me when I don’t get the quality of readings I would like, then I have to step back, take a deep breath and then remind myself they aren’t certified medical quality and didn’t cost as much either, but still I can dream can’t I.

This should work and work well enough as really sensors are getting better and cheaper, to the point where they are even disposable (eg )

As far as getting a Galileo board and trying this myself, I’m still not sold and unless the whole setup is tiny, I’m just as tempted to get a USB based sensor and hooking it up to a laptop or tablet.


@ Duke Nukem -
Very good german, at least as good as my english.
Keep us informed how the ecg works. These things are more for patients than for docs.
I myself have one of these little ecg monitors at home to watch my premature beats (see picture). It’s not so bad. Now I’m looking forward to participate as beta-tester for the anounced Self-Reanimation-Kit. In your pulseoximeter video I saw that your oxygen-saturation sometimes is as low as 65% (that’s really dangerous!), perhaps it’s better if you get one of these Kits too :wink: