Wiki Typo for In-Field Update?

I may have come across a typo in the Wiki entry for In-Field Update of the EMX here: GHI Electronics – Where Hardware Meets Software

The code in question is below:

// Load in the 1st firmware file
LoadDataFromSD(@ "SD\Firmware", SystemUpdate.SystemUpdateType.Firmware);
// Load in the 2nd firmware file
LoadDataFromSD(@ "SD\Firmware2", SystemUpdate.SystemUpdateType.Config);
// Load in the Configuration file
LoadDataFromSD(@ "SD\Config", SystemUpdate.SystemUpdateType.Firmware);
// Load in your newly created application
LoadDataFromSD(@ "SD\ManagedApp.hex", SystemUpdate.SystemUpdateType.Deployment

Can someone confirm whether the SystemUpdateType for Firmware2 and Config are swapped? I get the feeling that “Firmware2” should be SystemUpdateType.Firmware and “Config” should be SystemUpdateType.Config, instead of how they’re shown in the example.