Wifi and ethernet connection on the same time

Hello Forum,

i just started my master thesis project with the FEZ Raptor. During this i realized, that it is not possible to run a wifi connection (rs21) and a ethernet connection (enc28) on the same time?! OMG…

So is there any .net gadgeteer platform available which is able to run 2 tcpIP stack communications on the same time?

Thanks a lot

Welcome to forum

At the present time it is not possible to run two internal ip stacks with the micro framework.

But, there are wifi boards which can be controlled with a serial port. Go to sparkfun.com and search for “wifi”.

As andre pointed out, you can use mIP for the ENC28.
An other alternative is to use a Ethernet or WiFi module, that handles the TCP/IP Stack by itself like the RN171 WiFi module.

In both cases (mIP+ENC28 or RN171WiFi) you can not use the builtin Socket and networking types for this interface.

So if you have very simple communication via wired Ethernet, use mIP+ENC28
If the Wifi is more simple (only one connection, with webserver for example) use RN171 WiFi.

I don’t know if there is any other Gadgeteer / NETMF product out there which would allow to have two fully featured Network connections, but GHI doesn’t have it.
They said they once looked into it, but hade some difficulties, so it got delayed.
And since there is mIP, the priority at GHI is quite low for that.

Wow, what a forum :open_mouth:

Thanks a lot guys for the quick and meaningful answers. As i will write my master thesis on the IoT topic this is maybe interesting to investigate. So the main reason for GHI is the lack of RAM or more the lack of performance? As small TCPIP stack are present i assume it is a performance issue? Is there any description of the operating system on this boards?

On the technical side i can maybe use the mIP+ENC28 solution Reinhard mentioned (or i have to use this solution as my name is also Reinhard :slight_smile: ). Is there any project for this, i just looked into the documentation of the mIP but i would be blessed if there are more examples.

Thanks guys

There is not really an operating system on NETMF boards.
All you have is a small ‘clone’ of the dot net frame work, including some classes for hardware access.
You should look at the NETMF SDK API docs and the GHI API docs.

And I don’t think that ram or CPU power is the reason for only one Networking device. Specially the Raptor has plenty of both.

I think the main reason is that at the beginning nobody thought about having two network interfaces, so its not that easy to add a 2nd one, without breaking the first one or making it instable.

It just would take time to implement it for GHI, and since there a small company, that does not only NETMF stuff, and a lot of people waiting for other features (PPP, Application protection, …) it’s just not implemented yet.

By this, mIP or a device with it’s own stack and UART or SPI interface is the way to go I think.

And for samples, I think in the CodeShare section are some mIP sampels.

why not throw ble in the game ?

this way pretty much any type of sensoric can be picked up and then use a .netmf device as a gateway to www.

Look at the ble112/ble113 devices they can operate a long time on just a crxx battery and have a build in 8051 with additional IO and other communication stuff.

You can connect the ble devices thru a uart and control via handy tablet, whatever got ble and have an extra mcu in the form of an additional netmf device. sounds very IoT, if you ask me …

Have a look at https://www.bluegiga.com/en-US/products/bluetooth-4.0-modules/

Good luck with your thesis …

As multiple people have responded, a WiFi module like the one pictured below should work as it host the TCP/IP stack internally to the module. This module can call web services, download files, etc.

@ PiWi - shoosh fella, your stealing my thunder :smiley:

… oops … not intended though … sorry … :-[

Lol, only joking…but come the 27th :wink:

Thanks guys for your ideas,

I may still have a look on the mIP the next days, as I want to have the flexibilty not only running standard web services. I may need to run a specific UDP communication or something like that (e.g SNMP).

Thanks to PiWi for introducing the BlueGiga to me, there are some cool modules i can maybe use in the next months.

I started yesterday a little bit with watching videos on the netmf topic. As I am from the ANSI C world on microcontrollers for me it was not realy clear why to use netmf. On realy small devices (xxMhz, xxkb RAM) you can also run TCPIP stacks e.g. lwIP but maybe not .netmf. If you have more performance (low xxxMHz, xxMB RAM) i would run linux. ( An extra question here: anyone experience on the mono Project on embedded devices) or a windows embedded version. But after the session yesterday there is lack for .NET geeks on lets say mid devices?! So on the small linux machine you maybe can run also an embedded windows, you maybe fail on the realy tiny CPUs but on the Cortex M3, Renesas SH and so on you get a chance for running .netMF. Do i see this correctly? But are there realy big projects possible, like I can realize with ANCI C, a C-based real time OS and 300k of ROM? Because with this i can control a whole excavator for example.
