We have developed and released products with FezDuino runing with v2.2.0.6200.
Our product offers a micro HTML server via a WiFi connection (AP Mode) to allow an HTML client to modify parameters. We have no other way to connect to our device…
Today we learn that since v2.2.0.7000 WiFi AP mode has been removed. So our application is already no longer supported by GHI…? What other solution do we have ?
We use UART, CAN and QSPI interfaces and would like to benefit from recent resolved issues ?
Does AP mode work in your application?
Yes of course it does. Shouldn’t that work?
Are there any known issues ?
We sometimes have connection interruptions from Client to Server for no apparent reason but overall it works.
Very concerning. Appears Access Point mode is being removed?? I have run into this as well. We too are using AP mode to connect to the device in order to give it WiFi credentials connect to.
GHI ditching WiFi support?
I downgraded firmware to and the AP mode is in there but not in any 2.2.2
We are considering bring it back after the test.
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Ok thanks a lot for your support.