Where my Board serial number?

anyone know how one can get the Board’s UNIQUE serial number.
i would like to identify my boards at run-time? any help?
i notice this was for embedded master and it is obsolete now… anything similar for EMX boards.
if not anyway to uniquely identify the board…



Jay: http://www.tinyclr.com/forum/2/3085/#/1/msg29737

HI Eric,
Thank you…
that would work… scary when you are given the option to store it on your own…LOL
now i’m not sure if i want to do that… ;D
direct link : http://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/NETMF/Library%20Documentation/html/ebe3bf60-213f-9ea6-c3f7-20575d9e9fb2.htm

Yes you must be carefull how and what you will save to this persistent memory… Maybe is best that you save data to sql and make application which generate you serial number… you can save also EMX MAC address to this memory if someone remove stick from it and you still can get it :slight_smile:

if i would use such feature i would definitively write a GUID to it since that is a 16 Byte (128 bit) number…

or am i wrong?
